Wind power
Excuse me but I have a question for you and your company mate .For a start , how come you have a wind turbine in your advertisement for solar panels…
Excuse me but I have a question for you and your company mate .For a start , how come you have a wind turbine in your advertisement for solar panels…
So they should as they caused the dilemma that everyone is facing with rising energy costs right now,So I pose this question,Will they give everyone a ten grand subsidy ,when…
I think that goes for everyone in Australia ,Sonia ,as we are almost being forced to stay at home permanently I think is their plan , as I thought that…
Robert McIntosh They are , or would be I believe positioned in the future, on the pole in my mind the main one right on top of the middle of…
Robert McIntosh The panels on your house roof systems Robert, aren’t usually big enough to run your household on many instillations that are currently in use , for the average…
Power usage saving I woke up with an extra thought this morning , to add to my solar and wind generators idea that I have written about here earlier ,…
Michael Curly Gardner - thanks for your comment and BCH with health services in the catchment working with ambos, vicpol, stakeholders like headspace and schools etc are writing a mental…
The failure in essence was not actually the Voice Jason ,as most Australians would actually support that in reality , and if there were a seperate question contained in the…
With the population in Wonthaggi and district growing so fast Jordan , and given the rise in mental health problems in our region and the nearest actual medical mental health…
With the population in Wonthaggi and district growing so fast Jordan , and given the rise in mental health problems in our region and the nearest actual medical mental health…