2024 another year has passed

As we get older they go by so fast , we loose some friends , life just doesn’t ever last , 

So treasure those close before you before they are in the past , 

When I’m close to you my heart beats fast . 

So it’s freedom we chase and our governments shouldn’t last because of the draconian laws they try and push past , 

it’s time we consider our governments elect look back on the year and think and reflect , we cannot say Coon but we put kitty litter in the classroom , 

the misinformation bill makes me feel lost , when it comes to power , we quite often have none , as a push to Nett zero in darkness it’s left some , 

four nuclear subs ordered when we are totally nuclear ☢️ free , so we can’t park them here , but we will see , Dutton wants to build lots of reactors, again us being nuclear ☢️ free is not even a considered factor , 

sell out my country nice and cheep feel the money in their pockets you don’t have to dig deep , 

fill us up with immigrants at a time there’s already no rentals one must think the pollies are mental. 

This can go on to political questions getting the flick the lack of honest answers makes me feel sick . 

So what’s going to change here I ask you all that , I say heaps if the people stick fat ,  a change may just round the corner I’ll drink cheeper beer to that . 

I never thought that a vote for someone would lead us all up the garden path it it wasn’t so serious it would be a joke . 

How do you vote for someone with no plan to fix up Aust as fast as you can , instead they have decimated our land . 


Vote 1 for change that’s all I say , 

and kick the politicians far out of the way as they are like rodents that nibble our once prosperous country away let’s throw them some rat sack into their way .

it couldn’t happen to a nicer politician I’d say . 

Cheers xxx


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