Hello everyone,
this might be the most important story that I have told you all so far.
It’s sort of hard to believe but when you think about what I’m gonna have to say , we will with it maybe you can begin to make some sense of it all.
The other day while mowing the lawn,
I stumbled across what I thought was gold.
It was a single cigarette lying in front of me on the ground that made me think about what’s going on with those and the extreme high cost of smokes and now alcohol in my country.
The government slowly overtime automatically have factored in annual excise rises and this now having increased the price of both alcohol and cigarettes to the point where people can no longer afford the luxuries of these products.
The government claim is that it’s for health reasons but it’s not really it’s for extra money in their pockets and I’ll explain.
Years ago when I was a child , in New South Wales and especially on
Kings Cross , there was a man in the police and he was also in Kutz with some politicians who together they ran the heroin trade through throughout NSW , both importing and distribution networks,
His name was
Rodger Rogerson , and along with a kingpin underworld crime figure Arthur Neddy Smith .
Together they ran a huge underworld heroine rackets and got away with it for years. Mostly through bribery payments to crooked cops and crooked politicians.
In a way now that’s exactly what our current Australian government has been doing for a long time now they are constantly running rackets , that net them huge amounts of dollars , that are filtered off through shelf companies and trust funds to be then out of sight and out of mind.
So I picked up the smoke and carefully I looked at it in my hand and thought about what the government has done.
They single-handedly have basically put our local tobacco growers completely out of business , and sacrificed them through the sheer high cost today of legal cigarettes under their taxation control today.
This cost that has now made a boom trade for counterfeit and tax free imported cigarettes throughout Australia , at a much cheaper price than traditionally branded cigarettes.
They have now completely created and cornered the illegal cigarette and tobacco market .
Out of nowhere.
This has allowed the government in partnership with organised crime syndicates to access , and to run together and to distribute and completely control all of the product supply of cigarettes on the Black market and along with the annual tobacco and alcohol excise increases it automatically just constantly increases their market share , and they strangle out the legal retailers competition.
Wow that’s quite a few dollars there.
They protect their industry thoroughly as I saw in my hometown just a few short months ago a new discount cigarette shop was about to open in Wonthaggi in three days.
The stolen car happened to accidentally back through the front window at 2am and land end up parked in South Dudley on Fire early that morning.
They are running a completely protected racket.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out how much money these people involved in this racket are making. It has nothing to do with health because if it did the government would make nicotine patches free.
i’m an ex-smoker and back in the day. I was smoking a pack of drum and a pack of papers every day and a half which equated to about $250 a week now if I recalculate it drum is $160 a packet equates to me having a habit of $700 a week ,
So now people are going without food and essential’s because they’re so addicted to cigarettes so now they have to instead are economically forced to buy the Black market product , making some of our police and lots of criminals and our politicians so much more richer.
Okay, that’s some food for thought but it comes to this cruncher no matter what you personally think of Covid.
This is my opinion .
I want you to consider what I’m about to say seriously and see if you can see the big picture that I try and paint you here.
I was also completely caught up in the Covid hype just like everybody else,
the chickens were running around saying loudly that the sky is falling in , mostly those chickens were our politicians,
look out everybody it’s all over.
It’s a pandemic apparently that we’re all caught up in.
Obviously Dan Andrews put my Victoria into massive lockdowns , the longest in the free world,
I used to wonder also then if he owns shares in the mask company and I would ask him that question , by email and message , but he would never bother to answer.
I was working at the time as a Barman at the Killy pub when we were shut down multiple times, but I needed to work just to stay sane , so I was forced to have the jab by Dan , just to have my job there.
There was a scheme introduced by the government, to help keep workers like me be paid working or not , and also business owners in this crazy particular mess and they were called, jobseeker, job keeper, and I think the business incentive.
This scheme was to eventually to be at the cost of an economic disaster and cost our country multiple billions and billions of dollars,
that was money that we didn’t have and we had to borrow it all and pay interest on it even now as we’re paid back so far as a country, near absolutely none of it.
On the contrary we have as a nation instead now borrowed heaps more as the government have no idea of fiscal management.
It was a confusing time for people in business as some people made their workers come in and work the job keeper , others paid it to their workers and allowed their workers to stay home.
Businesses claimed loss of earnings and profits .
All this is well and good but this is where it becomes a bit clouded.
You see just like the cigarette i found it opened up wide the door for mass corruption in Australia in a big way.
The government later came out with announcement that made me wonder just what was going on , when they said no business and no person will be prosecuted for wrongful payment claims during the Covid period of jobseeker job keeper and the business incentive.
They just indemnified themselves from prosecution from robbing you and me blind.
In my district during Covid I saw a sign go on a building for a brand-new business. This business never opened it was run and owned by an underworld figure and for this fictitious business , he was claiming job keeper I believe for ten fictitious workers and also he claimed a business incentive loss of projected earnings for a period of two years for staff in a shop that was never gonna open and they just continually raped you and me for a huge amount of money,
Ironically at the end of the pandemic the signs were pulled off the building and sadly that business closed , another victim of Covid .
But it never existed. We paid ten people’s wages for two years and also paid the projected losses for that business over the two years
Hey that’s a lot of money ?
Not bad for one lit sign . Better than rent .
This happened absolutely everywhere right around the country , and it was a well coordinated and an organised scam run by all governments together worldwide to pull money out behind all of our backs that we didn’t even have,
how dare they?
They thought in Australia that they had got away with it with
Anthony Albanese’s new misinformation laws coming in to play where I couldn’t say one fricking word against him but fortunately for now I at least get to say this to you .
The Australian government are nothing but a disgrace.
They don’t make any decisions on my behalf or represent me .
A lot of our sitting members are innocent and are caught up in this web of deceit , as they started off with good intentions but once in politics they just seem to get swallowed up by the system .
I’m sure bank tracing methods will I trust , weed out the good from the bad .
So every dollar that these criminals stole from us is costing us dearly with everything absolutely directly effecting you ,
including the current cost of living crisis in Australia and inflation and your home loan with artificially caused higher interest rates .
They the politicians and so called leaders have all proven over time that they can not manage the finances of our country and they cannot be trusted .
You see a long time ago I had a dream , that I could bring to the table the most formidable business and financial management team ever assembled in modern history ,
to oversee and run our country for us and make it back into the great country that we once were ,
deep way back in my thoughts .
I think there has been such a lot of planning and effort behind the scenes
Even just to give me this phone hack free to bring you the Aus people this opportunity to take a proactive part in a world first absolutely peaceful revolution .
I believe you will get an opportunity sometime soon to cast a vote if you are eligible to vote on your mobile phone ,
and with enough votes cast we will get to actively participate in the rebirth of our great country
So I guess you all need to think hard about the direction that you want our democracy to go in the future ?
Because lucky for my dreams that we still are in a democracy as if we can table just over 50% of the people’s vote in a poll , just like because it’s an official legal Australian people’s electronic referendum ,
if the results are in the affirmative and we will move to table the legal documents required to request to remove and resolve the entire Australian sitting governments ,
It will be promptly handed up to the governor general and he will by decree sign the documents to legally under the Westminster system instantly dismiss the entire Australian parliament .
And my team will get straight to work ,
and in daily life at first you will not notice any difference except for lots of live updates from the prime minister and his cabinet .
Giving everyone real news on our country’s position as we emerge from this economic mess .
So I guess as we are still a democracy it’s all up to you and the future that you want to leave our children.
Maybe soon we can get a fair go again and we can all afford to have a beer a bbq and a fag if we wish enjoying time with our mates once more ,
As to me this is the Australian way
Cheers xxx