Inverloch surf lifesaving club sand erosion issue this is my comment

Inverloch Surf Lifesaving Club sand erosion problem public meeting today at 2 pm .

I have written to the government body on a number of occasions recieving absolutely no response ,

I Have suggested a permanent low cost remedy  for the erosion problem you are facing here that also not only rectifies the problem but saves us as a society in generating a lot less landfill.

It is at a mere fraction of of the cost of an expensive rockwall that leaves a further big  carbon footprint on the earth with its associated mining costs .

The idea in itself is quite simple as we utilise a current waste bi product of the wind turbine electricity geration industry.

We re use the old hollow blades and we fill them with wet sand and plug the end with concrete ,
We then lay them end to end with the appropriate fastening system for the application and we then tie them together.

We now have a complete retaining wall that’s delivered on site for basicly free , as the operators of the turbine plants currently have to pay to dump them into landfill.

So I say let’s be smart about this and be the first district to trial this environmentally friendly  solution , you could even dig a metre deep trench at the low point and start them off underground there .

I hope to make it to the public meeting today if I can’t for some reason can someone else ltable this idea on my behalf as once again our politicians do not ever listen to ideas or do they seem to care

Cheers xxx

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