Driving lessons

hello everyone, this next story I don’t condone my behaviour at all as it’s totally illegal and unacceptable especially in this day and age , 

things were a lot different back then as it was pretty close to 40 years ago. 

But there was one bad thing that was different. There was a much higher road toll in Victoria and nationally in Australia in those days. 

Seatbelts weren’t really compulsory

 .05 wasn’t really enforced and the roads weren’t anywhere near as safe to drive on as they are nowadays. 

So this is a story about me and Wes , like I said we worked together we hung out together and we worked at 

Wonthaggi Motos they were the local Mitsubishi dealer and Magnas were only just released that year on to  the market. 

Our boss Mick ordered one in so Wes actually bought it. 

A brand-new  brown Mitsubishi Magna , a fuel injected four-cylinder front wheel drive. Manual gear shift five speed. 

So we drove around everywhere in a brand-new car that wasn’t even run in and it  we were running in in really fast .

It  actually flew , and the speed cameras that operate in Victoria wern’t really invented back then. We got to drive around extremely fast , so fast that when we slowed down to 100 km an hour at times like in towns , 

It seemed like we were crawling. 

This car handled like a dream and accelerated really nicely and it was lots of  fun to cruise around in . 

So this is what happened. We’ll go to parties on weekends and things maybe stay there. Maybe come back to stay at Wes’s bungalow at the farm  One night when we’re out , Wes had drunk too many drinks .

He was too drunk to drive. I had drank a few but I was half sober and in what what be  stupidity. 

I guess we both decided that I should drive with this reasoning, because I didn’t have a license to lose anyway if we got caught and nobody will ever pull over a brand-new car. 

Seriously, we could follow the cops or get in front of them any time and they  wouldn’t pull us over.

They only pulled over the local hoons to slap on a yellow canary or unroadworthy sticker, but I guess we were the hoons inna roadworthy car . 

I discovered this car was great for doing front wheel burnouts, you had to engage the handbrake on hard and drop the clutch. You could also do backwards donuts like that with the steering wheel hard on full Lock on the bitumen , grass 

Or the gravel. 

It was all terrain . 

So I will drive us around and home on so many more occasions. 

I think that’s I drove more than Wes, 

But I didn’t drive quite as fast as Wes as I wasn’t that confident. 

If we slept out the farm in the morning when’s his mum Dawn cooking us breakfast ot making her famous pasties for our lunch she would ask me what we’ve done together last night and I would tell her everything but she would never ever believe me as the stories were always bizarre but it was always the whole truth.

I guess one advantage of this was. 

Now I have a lot of driving experience and is get my licence easily now by the time I went for my P plates. 

That was the only upside to it realistically , I was just a foolish 17 years old. 

But st the time I didn’t quite see it that way , 

I saw life so differently then than I do now. 

I heard some great feedback from Wes’s nephew Harley about their family Christmas out the farm and that they all sat around as a family reading out my stories one after another , and Harley asked me if I can do a few more than involve their family . so this is the first thee will be a few more but I have to just be a bit careful as to what I actually write about, but by s bit if magic i spent Christmas day back out the farm with the Bolding’s . 

As Dawn would say to me after my stories 

Isn’t that nice xxx

Cheers xxx


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