Hello everybody today I want to talk about a new thing that we’re introducing at the Killy pub on a Friday night except for the last Friday of the month because that’s the fire brigade raffle night .
We’re gonna be from now on having a crayfish raffle on those other Friday nights starting this Friday night for the first time and we’ll see how it goes.
Im guessing once we start that tickets in the future will be available to purchase any time during the week or over the weekend at the bar .
The tickets will be $2 each or 7 tickets for $10
Sometime once we start we’ll see how we go it might then be two crays , and other items , i don’t really know yet,
But for now it’s just one Crayfish at a time.
So come in this Friday night buy a ticket and get wound up for the Kilcunda lobster festival . Its a prety exiting weekend for everyone thats involved all the volunteers that Andrea does s super job and she co ordinates the show .
So i hope to see you there at the
Kilcunda Lobster Festival,
ill be there somewhere serving s beer getting s kuss or maybe spinning the wheel .
But try and come support that community event .
The idea is to raise funds to Kilcunda community to spend on things worthwhile. The first thing will come up with raise money for the cemetery trust , to get rubbish bins installed at our local cemetery on the hill .
This is obviously so people stop littering there and there’s somewhere nice for them to dispose of their old flowers and things.
For the cemetery trust have battled in the past with Bass Coast Shire Council on this issue and the council have flatly refused to install a rubbish bin.
I think I know why because out of the 295 employees that the council have someone in their wisdom decided at some stage that it was too hard to organise the cemeteries and the burials for them any more.
So in their wisdom and following suit with state and federal governments lead they decided to privatise and sell the rights to all of the cemeteries in Bass Coast Shire Off to Springvale crematorium.
It’s called outsourcing. But it’s a fancy name for privatisation.
We don’t even own our cemeteries any more. What a disgrace.
So I worked it out. They are happy to have bins in the other cemeteries, because they get paid to pick up the empty bins. But because we the ratepayers still own the cemetery at Kilcunda, they would have to pay to empty a bin.
What a load of rubbish
On the bright side, I hope to see you at the Killy pub on Friday night and sell you a raffle ticket that you might win a crayfish but so the community might instead win a bin.
Cheers xxx