Hello everyone, 

it was my respite day for Max today. 

When I arrived he was just sitting in the chair in the lounge room watching on telly an old AFL game repeat surprisingly to me he was watching Carlton versus Geelong so I sat there in a chair watching it with him looking at all the players from past gone days running around there on the park as young men. 

We chatted a bit about a few things. and then his wife left to go into town to spend a her respite time shopping and running errands. 

She told Max that had an appointment at 2 o’clock and that should be taking him to that after she gets home.

I was feeling a little guilty watching TV and playing with my phone and getting paid for it but that is the job respite care spending time so his wife gets a a bit of a break. 

I made us both a cup of coffee and I sat down again. And Max said he wanted to go outside for something so we went to go outside. It was really really windy out there so once outside Max quickly changed his mind and then we head  back into the lounge.

He got his wallet of his wife for some reason and held it up . I said what are you gonna spend your money on? He opened his wallet and took some money out and some fell on the ground. He lent forward and his wallet fell off his lap onto the ground. 

He reached down for it as far as he could with his fingertips just touching the wallet.

I watched painfully as I wanted so badly to help him but I also know he needs to retain his independence as much as you can. 

So I’ll let him struggle to reach that wallet for a while then I went down and I didn’t just pick it up. I picked it up that one centimetre off the ground into his hand that he couldn’t quite get it in and I let him pick his wallet up himself. 

He sat up and said thank you. 

I said where do you think you were going? 

He said you were taking me down the street. I said I said I’m not sure about that until I talk to your wife first , if I’m even allowed to do that so will ask her when she gets home if at other times you want to do that if that’s alright.

So when his wife got home, I told her what happened and she said she’ll think about it and look into it and will sort it out so I watched Carlton belt Geelong really by a record score. 

I think even though the great Gary Ablett  was playing he hardly got a touch.

It was good to watch a footy game with no handball. 

They still went out hard and fast but they didn’t share it round what they do now.

So I said goodbye to Max and his wife. I’ll see you next Tuesday and everybody was happy and that’s the rap .

Cheers xxx


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