Hello everyone, well this is story is a bit of a re write on a paper i wrote just a few short months ago, when the misinformation bill was being proposed to parliament.
Whenever i write something too sensitive
about the government or big business my article would just disappear, leading me to either re writing it with lots of omissions,
or just being pissed off and forgetting the hours i had just wasted once again and just leaving it .
This article is no different but its sort of a good topic good as there has been quite a few more changes and system developments in the field that i will include in this reference.
I found the modified version of my article on my website blog titled Digital identity
December 13, 2024Curly Gardner
There was a meme on facebook this morning that asked what you don’t like about Supermarkets
This was my comment
. Big brother
The major supermarkets are now running a trial on a digital identity program,
They call it a profile so it sounds better ,
They take your digital photo on entering their store , you agree to this by entering.
They then give you a digital profile and a store tracking number.
As you walk around the store they follow you and I’m guessing watch what you purchase and put in your trolly ,basket or pocket.
This continues while you shop until you reach the checkout ,
Then they watch you scan your groceries or in rare cases have them scanned at a cash register ,
To confirm a selection match
Then once payment is made you are clear to go .
I have heard that they plan to eventually add gates just like at the railway stations , for us to exit once we are completely digitally cleared .
The supermarkets have publicly stated that they will delete your profile in this trial period as you exit the store ,
but I don’t believe that for a second ,
The supermarkets say that it’s for controlling store theft and store management , but what do you think ?
Is Big Brother just going too far and taking over and controlling our lives , and the country’s digital profiling data base is nearly complete.
Welcome to the transition
So that was my modified version ,
In my original story it included the fact that the people can decide just what is acceptable and I suggested we have a self serve checkout boycott day , where we force the opening up of registers by public demand and by nearly no one using the self serve option that we all have had forced down our throats,
And so my new story starts when i was an 11 year old boy in primary school when the teacher told our class of what the future held for all of us when we were older.
I was horrified at what she mentioned,
First was big brother a centralised computer system controlling basically everything and everyone and tracking your every move.
Jobs for robots not people, eventually leading to mass poverty.
Phones you carried that you could see each other whilst talking ,
these things were etched in my mind and as a young boy i thought it was completely wrong and such a nightmare.
Lots of years now have ticked by.
So lets take a look at the equation, big brother, well thats certainly in play , tracking your every move via your smart phone and also contrary to some people’s thoughts your old dumb phone .
Certainly we have live video conference.
So no future jobs ?
And high poverty?
A few months back one of the leading fast food outlets and biggest employers in the world Mcdonalds proudly announced to the world that they were opening a new Mcdonalds store in Texas , just like the rest of their stores except for one important difference,
No humans will be working on the site at all , it’s their first fully automated and robot equipped human-less franchised store throughout.
Once this trial is successful , Mcdonalds will slowly roll out the system to all of its current stores right scross the globe ,
spelling mass unemployment for millions of people at once,
But lots more profits,
Tell me how is this good?
Woolworths and Coles Australia

arn’t to far behind Macdonalds .
In their endeavours to go staffless.
Imagine soon lots more of their self serve checkouts to take away manned checkout operations as much as possible,
Now ill stick with Woolworths as thats where i shop occasionally and a while ago i noticed something weird , it was a young lady pushing a green bagged trolly with a hand held device, marking off things and putting items in her trolly.
For the exercise we will call her robot one.
Eventually as robot one then became robot 3 and now i think
its up to robot six , or ten it’s certainly growing in popularity.
I found out that they did your onlne ordered shopping for you ,
You order it on the internet from your home or on your phone ,
robot 1 or 3 or six or ten pick it off the shelf for you and you go to a designated car spot outside the store and back in , and then message the app and out comes your groceries pushed by a person to your boot.
It is working so well, the robot one thee six and ten are so busy collecting your groceries and collating all the digital data needed to eventually transition the store ,
its all contained in their hand held gaget ,
Any problems found by the robots are entered into the data base and quickly modified,
Of course popular items by demand will all move to the middle shelves and eventually down the track a conveyer belt boot delivery system will be fitted .
Thats so Fantastic
Even less jobs in the future as shareholders demand higher profits,
Jobs and customer service are now gone.
Id bet that the home shopping customers still get all their rewards points and probably as an insensitive to sway you over to the new system you probably get bonus points, on your card .
Its all a scam
To change the way you shop , by giving you a reward and you take the bait .
So Woolies have just greatly reduced the number of of customers in their store and retained market share and its obvious in Wonthaggi as they see their new system becoming quite big as there is quite a few car park spaces reserved for pick ups.
I thought its a great place to park as theres always free spaces while their system builds up at the minute .
Coles i believe are doing exactly the same .
So at the minute the service for picking out your groceries is free for Woolies , I’m not sure About Coles .
Eventually when it becomes habit they will start to charge for the service while all the time constantly needing less and less staff in the store.
Picture this that when the day comes in the future that there are so many robots running around the store picking all of our groceries,
they will then all be replaced at once by a real bunch of robots and a fully automated grocery picking and packing system,
Straight to the dole cue.
Also there is no need for night fill workers anymore , as well as pick the robotic system will also pack .
It works 24/7 for free,
It needs just a bit of lubrication .
And no need now for a deli or a butcher as its all now just pre packed , this is also happening slowly now across all the big stores .
Wonthaggi Coles and Safeway have no butcher now.
They are both working on shutting down their deli’s this is why their pre packed goods range of small goods and cheese’s is constantly growing and the choice offered to customers in the actual deli’s ,
is slowly shrinking.
So now Wonthaggi Aldi have joined in the fray ,
They have added I believe six new self serve checkouts,
I shopped there the other day and i lined up in a big line at the only register they had opened ,
a young man was trying to to persuade the customer’s to use them,
no one wanted to ,
he got to me and he suggested that I use one,
I said to him that i wanted to use cash , and what was management thinking not putting any cash machines in and it was card only machines ?
He didnt reply .
A lady in front of me stated to me thats a cashless society,
is the answer.
The worker just slumped away to ask and badger someone else.
I had a short conversation with with this lady and she took my website details and said she would take a read.
So my take on a cashless society is in that form it’s totally unworkable.
We always need cash to pay the little things in life and i don’t think any drugg dealer in the country is going to swipe your card ,
I would put this to Australians and not unlike bitcoin ,
Then I would launch a new cripto currency called
Curly Coin
It will sell quite cheaply at first to gain circulation and then as the initial allocation starts to fill , its subscription price will rise steadily geared to the full take up price untill it’s then eventually floated and launched on the ASX and the sky is the limit,
The government and the banks will have to recognise Curly Coin as a legitimate currency, just by the sheer volume of of the sold allocation.
And its solid trading record on debut.
One would envisage it on parity with the green back .
And we are away not needing Australian decimal currency any more ,
I envisage that the $1 and $ 2 coin will be exactly the same weight and size to fit current vending machines and with a $5 and $10 dollar coin set to follow .
The rest is in your bank account alongside your current accounts, your bank card and of course in your secure digital wallet ,
So if you can open your eyes and take a look and with all these changes going on all around us ,
I ask you this important question,
Where are your children going to work in Australia

in the future under any federal of state governments regulations in our current system?
KFC , Hungry Jacks,
Red Rooster Subway all of the food giants will head the same way and be people-less .
Retail will become big automated warehouse’s, with absolutely no or minimal staff , picking your goods and freighting them to your home for delivery , for a fee.
The only supermarket not participating is my local IGA Richies . But they are a little dearer because their store is too small so there is not enough variety of the same product on the shelf making the extra cost.
I did think that maybe in the future if a new lager Richies store was built in town , and then there is s clear choice on what exactly people want , as consumers,
Me I pick jobs ,
What about you?
Their might be new careers opportunities as delivery drivers thats about all
Cheers xxx