The way its going soon China will control a large percentage and a diverse array of our farmland right across the country.
They are buying farms and houses , and commercial buildings  everywhere.
They even brought control of most of our main ports and harbours, so its not just farming that’s completely under threat .

Soon at the supermarket Australian grown , will mean just that ,
not that its grown right here by some foreign national company .

Our government encourages this bullshit practice and say its all  under the free trade agreement umbrella.

Its like everything now even the seed human genetically modified signature seeds , so you cant grow a plant at home anymore from its own seed .

The list goes on , we produce so much food here the governments stance on the matters  is questionable, but if you ask the hard questions you get an answer about something else,

The truth seems to be something now from a distant fable.

When are our government representatives going to stand up for the Australian people. ?
The answer to that is never.

At election time they will tell you that they have the best interests of our people at heart ,
But thats just a lie.
They have political donations to consider.

Any politician caught intentionally misleading the public should be stripped of their office and all pension privileges cancelled immediately,
Gee there would be nearly none left .

So if you have had enough of this rot

Vote 1
The revolution

Cheers xxx

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