My first internet dating experience.

Well I guess now that I was up to the point of sending my first lot of requests online to the ladies that I was interested in . 

Firstly I need to say that without wanting to to sound terrible or to upset anyone personally  but I am attracted to woman of mostly of a smaller build and I’m not sure exactly why that is but I have been the same for all of my life . 

So I had just scrolled through all of the local profiles on my first search and because Wonthaggi was a relatively small town , I actually knew and recognised a few of the women  on there. 

I quickly dismissed them as I personally actually knew them and we weren’t  at all romantically compatible. 

I did see a few new women on the screen that I thought that I liked so I then  took the time to read their profiles , before deciding whether or not to send them a friend request. 

I personally have got a bit of a strange problem with doing that for some reason as I have a problem asking a girl out if I’m really attracted to them. 

It’s like I have an anxiety attached to rejection phobia and maybe even though it’s  just only electronically  here and it doesn’t really hurt one bit but it’s still feels kinda the same to me , so I tend to procrastinate about hitting the button and putting myself out there and I find that it’s exactly the same on facebook if I want to add a new woman onto my friends list. 

So I had managed to actually send off a few contact requests and I  was waiting to hear back from them when I suddenly saw a brand new profile  and picture that appeared in front of me on my next search , 

There  right in front of me was a photo of an attractive young blonde lady , that was living within the 10 km radius from me , and her profile sounded really sweet. 

So I studied her profile picture and it was just a single photo and just a head shot that was available , only , and then going by her slender face , my imagination instantly formed a picture in my mind of her type and what she looked like and I thought that maybe she is an athletic type of person . 

So I summed up the courage to send a contact request to her . 

To my complete surprise she almost instantly added me as a contact .

And I was excited. 

We started to converse on the site via chat messages and we quickly established the basics and within 10 minutes I asked her where she lives , she replied in Wonthaggi I asked whereabouts and she told me , I thought she is so close by only a few short Km away from me . 

I sort of thought that I had basically won tatslotto and that these dating sites really do work  despite some reports to the contrary. 

So with that quick assessment of her I decided to to push it a bit further and I suggested that we get together and meet up casually for a drink, 

she was more than willing and she gave me her address , so I quickly threw on the best aftershave and grabbed a six pack of Carlton stubbies on the way out the door and in the next second l was driving to her house in my ute , full  of expectations and excitement and anticipation for just what this date may lead to and what the night had in store . 

I pulled out the front of the house that was in Wonthaggi s newest estate that was full of nice and fancy houses and I thought to myself this is a great start .

I walked up the path to the front door , stubbies in hand nervous as , I stepped up the steps and I took a deep breath to settle  my nerves and rang the doorbell. 

When the door opened I was taken aback a little as a young girl I think about 14 years old  answered it and my first assessment of the situation was that she was obese . 

She said mum is in the kitchen and invited me inside. 

There was a long hallway and I could see the outside of the kitchen bench that faced the lounge but not the kitchen side. 

So I walked hesitantly down the hall till I reached the kitchen bench where I saw my date. 

Unfortunately she had put up a completely different picture on the site than reality . 

I was completely shocked as I visually assessed the situation and this lady was just absolutely huge. 

She looked straight at me and her first words that she said to me were 

I spose you want to F off now? 

I was stunned and I really didn’t know what to say for a second back , but I did manage to say that I’d stay there and have a beer and a chat because I’m not a rude person. 

So we sat there and chatted but I swear that I have never in my life drunk six beers so fast , as I was feeling  fairly uncomfortable and totally out of my depth there , and in a bit of a hurry to escape . 

So things then got even weirder when I finished my beers and I decided to  leave and l stood up . 

The woman also stood up and she  went down into the hall I thought to see me out and then suddenly she took me by complete surprise and she stopped in the middle of the hall near the door and then she put both her arms up onto each wall and blocked off my exit. 

She said to me your not going anywhere,  but I want you to take me now into the bedroom and F  me , 

I instantly yelled back a loud No 

She  then repeated her demand and said it a few more times and  with all of this was going on at the same time her daughter was in the lounge , 

I continued to  loudly shout out No 

Eventually she stopped and asked me why not ? 

I replied  loudly with my heart beating a million miles an hour , that you aren’t  my type . 

For some reason she excepted this explanation and then  she turned side on to make a gap and let me pass her to get to the unblocked door and back outside to freedom and fresh air .  

I must have nearly run to my ute , I was quite rattled and I think shaking and also relieved and  later on a little bit wiser . 

I guess the funny part is now looking back at it is that she was more desperate and frustrated than me , but she was also a massive lier . 

I now believe that in our modern society that this type of deceit is called Cat Fishing 

But whatever you call it being completely deceived by someone is not cool at any time especially  when it comes to matters of the heart ❤️ I’m just glad at the time that we didn’t chat for months first like lots of people do . 

Part 2  when I post it will be more  accounts of dates , meetings and coffees like that and leading to me being catfished a few more times again after longer periods of chatting. and  with me thinking that I’m getting to know them .

I did become a bit more hostile and vocal to the situations as time went on as it’s completely frustrating . 

And an account of an incredible date amongst the stories . 



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