Archies Creek music

Hi everyone,

Gee this doing nothing in recovery is so strange , and I guess it’s inspiring me to just write a few stories and unlike when you hear of writers block I seem to be the complete opposite and I have so many ideas about just what to actually write about next that just keep popping up randomly into my mind .

So here’s the thing I got so bored last night , and during the day I had seen a post on my messenger from

Archie’s Creek Arts

that is a non profit group running small live music events in the old Archie’s Creek pub ,

As most locals know that that an older music loving couple a few years ago had brought the pub that was back then known as the Archie’s Couch .

They made quite a few changes to the venue and they also brought along with them the Caravan music club from Melbourne to bring to the locals and visitors alike a huge array of fantastic musical performers .

Things quickly got established and grew from there and they then eventually installed a big outdoor stage for the artists to use with an outdoor picnic like setting in the garden that lifted there capacity for more patrons.

Sadly after a few years the owners decided to that it was becoming a  bit too much for them to continue on running and I believe that they then advertised for a manager but no suitable candidate was found , and to the dismay and disappointment of many people the venue closed its doors .

So , I thought that Archie’s Creek music was dead untill a little while back when a gig notification popped onto my phone .

I just thought maybe the place is having a one off gig, and I thought nothing more of it , untill yesterday,

When another notification appeared on my phone I took a closer look ,it was for a music gig that night and I hadn’t actually heard of the featured band before.

To my surprise when I looked at the add , I did see that I actually knew pretty well two of the members of the band and I decided that I might go ,

It started at 8pm and by the time that I got organised I was 10 minutes late when I got to the door.

The band is called

The Twin Reefs

Which in my guess is a name that’s taken from a famous local surfing spot , located on the coast road in the Bunarong Reserve .

So the band was headed up by the lead singer a lady by the name of Tracey Miller ,

She was a middle aged blonde haired lady that had the most beautifully sounding and professional voice that was absolutely suited and matched the songs she had selected to perform .

It was a five piece band with a drummer and keyboard player that I didn’t know but the two guitarists I do.

The first one is

Mr Colin Matthew’s ,

a long time friend of mine that I first met years ago whilst we both worked behind the bar at the Killy Pub .

I was pleasantly surprised not long after meeting him to find out that Coll was a member of the resident Killy pub band , that was so  chock ablock full of legendary musical talent ,

Coll is easy to spot on stage as unusually , he is a left hand player , and in the featured pic he is wearing the watermelon shirt .

He is an accomplished musician playing alongside some extremely talented people along the way and he has recorded and produced a few of his own albums over the years .

No matter where you get to see him and whatever style the music being played is I’m sure you will be in for a treat .

The next one is

Mr Marcus Satchel

Being a local I first came across Marcus playing mostly in pub venues playing with different musicians.

I remember I took an instant liking to Marcus as he mostly played the more unusual instrument back then and it was rarely heard , especially in a small country town and it was the saxophone,

and I had been a bit spellbound  and  I had fallen in love with its unique  sweet sound that I’d heard mostly by , Wilbur Wilde’s playing of that  same instrument on hey hey it’s Saturday .

So after a few years Marcus had established himself as a uniquely talented musician . Also a man also proficient at multiple instruments.

And last night he played the base with a bit of sax also in the mix .

Personally I didn’t know him that well untill later on when he married my longtime school friend Lisa

Marcus also  being a talented wine maker opened up with Lisa , a company called dirty theee wines .

They do have a tasting shed in Inverloch  behind Mitre Ten and this is when I believe that you have your best chance to hear Marcus play over summer months.

The band stopped playing after the first set and Tracey herded a fair few people into a line in front of the stage so I asked someone what was going on?

She told me it was a choir group about to perform ,

So I grabbed myself a beer and sat back and listened .

They also sounded great with Tracey at the front waving her arms around like crazy whilst they sung ,

When it was over and the band  was regrouping something strange happened , when a random lady approached me from the other side of the room , and asked me if I would like to join their singing group?

We had a brief conversation about it and she invited me to come to a session on a Tuesday at 7.30

I did say to her it might be better than me singing alone in my kitchen all the time , and that I’d consider it

The funny thing is that I think that this is the first time ever in my life besides the Rocky Horror Wonthaggi theatre performance , that I have been actually invited to sing .

Over the years growing up I have actually got to sing with some pretty good bands in the time but mostly by me inviting myself up on stage so this is a nice change .

So then the band played its second set said goodnight and packed up.

Well it’s certainly not for night owls as I looked at my watch to see that it was just after 9 o’clock.

But all in all it was a fantastic night with fantastic music and a fantastic atmosphere.

As far as I know you can look up the Archie’s Creek Arts on messenger and join up if you like , members get invited to upcoming performances and also get a members discount when purchasing tickets online.

Hmm you never know maybe you will hear me sing 😊
