Hi everyone yesterday I helped a friend Lee out putting wire on a new  chook pen which is a bit of a challenge as the ground that It’s built over I’d so badly un level. 

I had someone help me yesterday and Andrew helped roll out the wire as so heavy I’ve just had hernia operation , it was so good he was there . 

Once I  fixed the wire to the end post, and roll it out then we have a big problem, just how to get the wire on tight without a set of wire strainers . 

I thought about it for a second and I came up with an idea and I

 went to see if I could find myself a steel dropper or a nice strong stick in the shed . 

I found an old rake with a thin  steel handle so I took that rake back to halfway along the new wire  around the corner and I weaved it down through the wire holes evenly .

I then attached my big tie down ratchet in the middle to another post and then I also attached a top and bottom smaller 

tie down  ratchet strap on the end of the rake handle. 

Then l used the three ratchet’s to tighten the straps and pull the wire tight around the corner of the post. And then the wire was attached with various fasteners and to the top in the rail and the I used the same to tension and fix the last part of the wire except now I used a big gum tree as my anchor point .

And a shovel handle for the spreader bar as I had by then broken the rake handle . 

Then I fixed that section of wire also.

I scrounged around the farm, found an old door and I cut it down the size I needed and will be fitted today.

I should’ve taken better photos of the strainers .

But with the next interesting thing I’ll try .


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