It is a joke that you can just tick a box to claim Aboriginal decent .
Firstly it’s a disgrace and an insult to all genuine Aboriginals
Secondly it must have been exactly the same when the liberals were in power ,as I don’t think Anthony Albanese  actually changed anything .
So now there begs the question, why is it so?
Why do both our major political parties parties allow this anomaly to exist and to continue unchecked here in Australia?

I think that the main reason that the government won’t check for ones heritage here if they are claiming indigenous decent , with a DNA screen as the ramifications to the country of the subject testing positive , and is then proven that the subject has  Aboriginal blood.
It opens up a can of worms  something neither that neither political party want to deal with .

If a white Anglo Saxon adult or child can tick the box unquestioned , and then be entitled to all of the befits that Australia bestow upon the indigenous community.
Then  he or she can go and get a university degree free of charges and fee of hex debt  and this is just the tip of the iceberg .

It’s 2023,  its high time for Australia to take the lead and get the ball rolling in getting Aboriginal affairs right , as nothing seems to be working , as it should be and ideally how  it’s supposed to .
It’s time we all embrace  and look for change , and we start by weeding out the  Aboriginal imposters that are bleeding your taxpayer dollars ,and cheating the system.

And while they are at it have the guts to order a comprehensive audit into Aboriginal affairs , and their use of the 40 billion dollars in funding , and set up an annual brief of expenditure to be disclosed in federal parliament annually ,

Somehow we have to get to the bottom of these two massive problems before we can all move forwards
Just a foot note I believe that there were well over 20,000 new Aboriginals registered as
Indigenous in Australia , last year alone but one would have to think that in that number it would have to include a large number of fraudulent cases ,

Another interesting but of trivia is that if you personally send in a DNA  sample  of your own , to say Ancestry . Com.  for analysis , when you get your result it will contain a comprehensive full screen and detailed listings of you heritage,
excepting if your DNA   sample contains any
American Indian  or
Australian Aboriginal
It will not be shown  at all in your test results .
That was the case a while ago , but I can’t see any of that changing in a hurry .

I’m sure that both the major parties here in Australia are well aware of that also.
It’s time to deal with Aboriginal affairs  problems and starting with our Federal parliament that can actually do something about it  but seem to be too busy with problems like going to the footy in PNG but a ticket is $600 million dollars ,
What about our country and our problems Anthony
Aboriginal affairs shouldn’t be a political football

I’m sunset dreaming


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