How does putting wind towers in the sea help save the oceans ?
I can’t think of one thing that they will do to benefit either the ocean or the wildlife in this project
But it makes jobs during the construction phase and the contracts aren’t awarded yet , but it looks like a Japanese company is the front runner
So Susan we will build a wind farm owned by a foreign company with wind turbines built in another country and own nothing,
And we will pay top dollar for that power .
Where is the sense in that ?
I do wonder what’s wrong with us , when we can put solar and wind power on top of all of our existing power poles that carry our transmission lines with little or no impact on the environment and then produce heaps of green electricity straight into our existing grid ,
The best part is we would own it and make the components here also creating real jobs
And as a bonus we can sell ourselves our own power so much cheaper,
Now there’s food for thought , no need for any more big wind turbines projects and they are carbon neutral once installed