Can I have a refund sir ?

Chester GreyFor  what Chester? 
Our government s have systematically disarmed all of our citizens with tough gun laws .
No ones going to invade Australia mate now or in the future as it’s up for sale on the open market and they can just buy us instead
Just like they buy our governments with these shite deals

I’m afraid Chester that the problems with our country goes a little deeper than that submarine

We don’t need them
I’d rather share out that money we are going to spend on them with our people ,
I have done the calculations and if we come to our senses and we don’t buy those subs,  every person in Australia would receive the sum of $14786.00

Now can you imagine just what that amount of money would do for our family’s, our homeless, our starving and everyone in general?
It would boost the local economy with increased spending and stimulate Australian business.

Now can you tell me Chester that what I am saying is more important to you , and our order,  of just thee submarines?

When you calculate up the figures to a medium family of two adults and two children it comes up at the sum of

Not bad to help a struggling Australian family
The subs should be cancelled
On behalf of of the Australian people .