The push for renewable energy is admirable and understandable but the deadline and target for Australia its just not realistic, to think we can run on renewables only at this stage of  electricity generation technology is ridiculous, maybe if they develop solar that’s light sensitive that can charge at night time  via moonlight then it may stand a chance
Until further future energy sources are researched and developed we must continue to use fossil fuel to stabilise the continual supply of power to us the consumer
Hydrogen power development also comes to mind and I can’t see why with our alternative energy research grants why we don’t put some money into research and development of that natural resource
As it’s a completely clean green and oxygen polluting our atmosphere in the harvesting process ,
One must ask that if the government is serious why our coal and gas exports are continuously increasing to overseas countries when we are trying to reduce ours to the detriment of our people both financially and with interruption to elect supply

Summer will be interesting with a record heat wave predicted here in Australia , that means record amounts of air conditioning turned on at once , hmm I wonder how many blackouts there will be as the low supply service is put under massive pressure ,
Don’t forget that in most really hot days there is no wind rendering the wind turbines useless , the electricity suppliers are relying on private households with solar to prop up their inadequacies
Hence the solar panel rebate

I guess that makes my suggestion of solar panes and small wind turbines on top of every power pole even more feasible
The whole  electricity supply system is in disarray since privatisation gutted it years ago

It’s going to be an interesting summer

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