There’s so many things going on in politics and in the background here at the moment in Australia , with the governments ridiculous changes planned for all of us ,  and for our futures that one by one if they do actually manage to get these restrictive schemes through the senate they will totally change everyone’s life in Australia in major ways  that will be forever .
The thing I see the most at the minute is that the voice is  just a decoy to cover up the labour and the greens party’s  agenda as they push thorough parliament with these crazy controlling bills that take away our constitutional rights, and freedoms, don’t worry if the voice is successful with a yes vote Albanese will make basically any changes he desires to the constitution without explaining anything.
He will state that he has a mandate from the Australian public because his voice referendum passed,
We can not let Labour just decide to change our lives forever without our  informed consent.
So far he hasn’t outlined the constitutional changes he wishes to amend and he probably won’t risk disclosing his intent for fear of loosing even more support on his referendum.
Like who really wants to live in these.
Fifteen minutes satellite city’s? 
I don’t
And apparently someone informed me yesterday that my home town of Wonthaggi in Bass Coast Shire had signed up for that scheme.
How dare they sign up Wonthaggi to that crazy idea.
They didn’t ask me
Did they ask you?
All of Australia seems to be under attack of our way of life , freedom and liberties and the ridiculous thing is that it’s our elected representatives are the ones responsible and doing all of this stuff to us the people
Somehow they need a reality check and to be held accountable for everything ,and govern for us the people as it’s their job so they should try and do it .
Curlyg xxx

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