Robert McIntosh They are , or would be I believe positioned in the future, on the pole in my mind the main one right on top of the middle of the pole,
either above or below the solar panel, that I envisage in my mind , that’s also sitting up there ,
so together they will nearly constantly be producing for us both free , and green power and also vandal proof and also the wind turbine is also directly connected to the power lines.
I also think we could also put a few more solar panels on the outside of the cross arms that hold the power lines apart on the poles , on the ones that face the right direction, or also just use adjustable brackets on them so they can swing the panels into the optimum position and tighten them on that angle so they directly face the sun,
or also we alternatively can place smaller turbines on the crossarms or any combination of the both , depending on the location and which set up would be the most efficient due to annual local weather conditions .
So we can then produce green power for the country , both day and night and no matter what the weather conditions.
And we also will happen to then create so many industry and local real jobs in the design and manufacturing process , both producing the wind turbines and the solar panels locally , from an Australian owned company and then installing them across the whole country, with local workers.
Making it a National project .
There would be so many millions of poles in the country and I imagine that with this system installed on every pole that we would have quite a lot of power at a reasonable cost to the public, as once installed maintenance and running costs costs would be an absolute minimum , thus giving Australians virtually a free power supply that would automatically be passed on to us , the consumer with cheaper accounts.
When it comes to the design of the turbines we need to be smart , and use ceramic bearings which will be basically be completely maintenance free for the turbines lifetime .
I once unloaded when I was working as a dogger and rigger, while setting up equipment at farm world ,
a 3.2 kw Australian made wind turbine and i had a quick chat to the man who was building them , about its capacity and performance and for its size it had quite a high output , and it was very well built ,
so I feel a 2 kw turbine would be somewhere in the ball park for the bigger centre turbine but even if im wrong and even if we used a 1.5 kw unit, when someone does the math and calculates how many power poles are currently in Australia and you add up the capacity of the combination of both systems that I propose, and times it by the poles the figure will be enormous.
I think after it’s calculated that we would be able to close more coal fired and fossil fuelled power stations across the country and also within a time line much sooner than expected and still produce more power than we currently require .
At virtually no cost when installed .
I think that the greens and everyone else who reads this will maybe be supportive in a push to go in this direction now as a priority before we destroy any more of our country or continue to polite the worlds atmosphere , we need to put common sense before profits in so many areas of our lives if we want to leave our children anything .
Then we can leave Australia and her landscape just the way nature intended and admire her Beauty the way it was supposed to be
And with the newly planned offshore wind farm in
Bass Straight
I won’t have a chance of hitting a tower whilst I’m out fishing in
Tiger Ben
As I don’t think that they build it anymore because we won’t need it .
But here is the best bit Robert,
Then in the future we export and sell our system to other countries ,
and as a nation we help out third world countries, and we both supply and help install the systems into their countries at a heavily subsidised cost and give them a helping hand and a chance to develop their society’s and their countries, and lift their standard of living out of the gutter,
This is a part of my dreams to help change things for not just us but for everyone .
I still would also like to see Hydrogen power supply investigated and developed for us and the environment in the future as the nuclear alternative is not really an option for Australia’s future energy needs , but that’s another subject
I have written an earlier post regarding this idea on facebook before Robert , but I don’t know if they have posted it yet mate
Cheers Xxx