I  think deep down most Australians are sorry about the white mans invasion and take over of this country.

The hard part is just how to adequately have an acceptable reconciliation between our two races and
Even though I am truely sorry for what happened to the Aboriginal race and to their ancestors and of those that were mistreated it is just not my , or my brothers fault ,

As to white man , it was hundreds of years ago that our ancestors invaded , but to the indigenous mob it was  just yesterday ,
We have two very different cultures trying to fit in together and live side by side in harmony but really without completely understanding of each others needs,

Somehow I believe it’s time for Australia to bury the hatchet and actually have a real and meaningful  and lawful treaty between our people,

This situation we find ourselves all in is not working out at all,
It’s not actually money that will fix the wrong doings to my brothers and sisters but it’s time for a Treaty
One that hands back some of the traditional lands to the Aboriginal people to use on any way that they see fit

Without white mans interference and medaling , to practice and live by there lore in peace , and to teach their children their ancient ways and hunting skills in the nomad life .

The government won’t want to give them much useful land as it’s worth too much money ,
Well bad luck
I see us giving them back most of our national parks ,as a start to providing them with pristine land  with an abundance of animals to live on ,
They could  either choose to live here with us or with their traditional tribes or  just be transitional and spend time at both ,

But if they choose to stay out of the tribal lands  with us they would get the exact same treatment and benefits as every other Australian,
Somehow we need to fix this and it’s nothing  at all to do with a parliamentary voice.

It’s to do with us trying to make something right that has been so wrong for so long to the best of our abilities and to he good of all mankind living here in Australia


Curlyg xxx

I’m sunset dreaming
Are you?

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