Electricity price rises

Peter Bogdanoff hi Peter ,climate change  certainly is a modern era concern and I’m hearing what you are saying .
The whole lot of this crap stated here in Victoria when privatisation and new regulations were introduced
Once the few years clause was removed the electrical supply companies were able to start to slug us with regular price rises
The same crap was happening in all the other states and NSW copped an absolute flogging and made everyone else glad they weren’t living there .
Meanwhile the electrical company’s all got together and made like a cartel , and then they worked together for setting high electricity supply charges and  for setting up other scams like solar panels and then add extra charges to supply the willing customers with green energy
The whole thing is a scam
They should at the very least leave the coal fired stations in the Latrobe Valley in Vic running producing power at least until an adequate and cost effective green alternative is readily available to ensure the adequate supply is maintained .
In Vic an  announced increase of 33.2 % is just outrageous and unacceptable .

But I think  that in the future that we need a bright spark to figure it out
I have an idea
Hydrogen powered turbines
The greenest cheapest fuel on the planet
As it’s only water that’s full of power.
Curlyg xxx

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