United one flag

Dear Andrew
I share your sentiments about the Australian flag and proudly as a young boy growing up I watched it unfurl weekly both as a Cub  and later as a Boy Scout and whilst reciting the oath to our country and to serve the queen .
We also all wore it proudly sewn over our heart on our uniforms .

I also agree that the flag seems to most certainly have lost its gloss ,over the years as it seems  it’s been alongside with the country loosing its sense of direction regarding politics and policies that the Australian government’s have led our country in .

Nearly completely gone now ,is the sense of pride we all once shared in the flag  ,and it’s importantance to people in general and in their everyday life .

I have just returned from a short trip to America and I noted that they are all the completely opposite of us ,and all extremely patriotic and proud of their flag and their country.

I do believe that now is the time to reconsider the Australian flag and  now is the time for Australia to finally now come to an agreement with the Aboriginal people and reach a proper and ratified agreement in the form of a land treaty,
Then we can have a new shared land and a new shared flag that incudes both of our heritages in its design , a beautiful flag showing both our friendship and brotherhood and showing the world the type of nation that Australia is .

Then Andrew we may see a compete turn around in this country over time as people embrace the new Australia and the new United flag that would fly in our sky’s .

But the best thing would be that after two hundred and fifty years our Aboriginal brothers and sisters would have their own land to live in their culture without white mans interference under their own lore  to live in and visit whenever they want .

And Australians finally would try and address the problem of Aboriginal assimilation the best way that is possible,.

Curlyg xxx