Hello everyone,
today is a really important day, well hopefully it is for you because we are all living in one of the most multicultural countries in the world, we neatly all come together in unity to celebrate both the privilege , and with gratitude the fact that we live in the best country in the world.

Not exactly everybody will agree with this but it’s always impossible to get full compliance on any issue ever.

In my opinion, Australia always has been in the past the lucky country and the land in the free , land. Grandfathers fought for in war for our freedoms but sometimes we tend to forget and don’t appreciate our hist enough.

That history is not our fault , but its what has happened and we must all recognise that situation and now  respect exactly what took place here all those years ago ,
but nothing at all can change it except maybe a brand new flag and the coming into a new unity and brotherhood between all of us .

There’s been a lot of things happen over the last 30 years. We are slowly changing our freedoms and taking them away from us all.
Even some politicians and local councils want to do away we’re celebrating Australia Day . I hope the community doesn’t vote any of them in ever again.

I hope to see really soon that trend reverse and maybe just recently the denial of
Anthony Albaneses , misinformation bill is just a start of those sort of positive changes in our country.

But today is a special day for me as it’s once again Kilcunda lobster festival day ,
were a lot of great local people gather together to volunteer thrir time snd efforts to raise money for the good of the Kilcunda community.

The lobster fest has been going on for many years now but I usually always worked at the Killy Pub on those extremely busy days.
The last few years I have instead volunteered for the festival and I have worked in the bar serving drinks to the public that visit the festival.

It’s a massive crowd thst together, usually over 5000 visits to the site for the day , besides serving beer while there i used to collect kisses of all the girls that I knew and sometimes the partners would make me kiss them.

So I think this year I heard on the grapevine I’ve been sacked from working behind the bar and given a new position..

That position I’m not 100% sure it’s mine but it is apparently the man on the spinning wheel giving away the crayfish in the ticket drawers ,
apparently the committee saw fit to buy me a big blowup lobster suit to wear up on the back of the truck, but Kitty sent me a picture of it last night and said it’s tiny so it looks like maybe it’ll be just me spin the wheel with a grin and a bit of cheek to go with it.

So maybe to celebrate Australia Day, you can all come see me spin the wheel maybe but a ticket in the draw and ill possibly give you a crayfish in the deal and maybe a 💋 kiss,

But there’s one thing I do feel, that it is a great privilege and I’m proud to be an Australian 🇦🇺

Cheers xxx

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