Australian super fund

Some superannuation fund ran an add asking the public where they would invest their super fund monies so I gave this response .

I hope in the Australin Super Fighting fund , earning you interest and investing in our country ‘s future and giving your kids and grandchildren a fantastic opportunity to grow and prosper in the smartest country in the world 


And the cruncher is  we get Sundays off as a church and family day .

Who would want to live anywhere else?
So stick your funds in to the super account. , it’s all guaranteed and it doesn’t matter if you only can contribute a dollar it all counts ,

There will be an option to donate a portion or all of your personal contribution if you are wealthy ,

And we can buy our country back for a start ,
There is a government law that’s in our favour and
It’s called compulsory acquisition ,
where we pay a fair price for land that is in our  future country, development plans so we basically just by law take it all.

I think
I know quite a few lawyers that will make this part a smooth and reasonably fast part of the plan .

Everything else is pretty much covered.

Look everyone,
if I’m wrong and for some reason things don’t go as planned ,
I will solemnly promise you all to return to where we are at now and reinstate our country to democratic elections.
But personally I don’t think that there is any chance that  things will go this way .

I see such a bright future for everyone and happiness something that’s sort of been lost along the way in our society.

Maybe it is time that we have a welcome to our combined new country , as we all begin to emerge from the revolution,

I’m Curlyg  and I have all of you best interests at heart ,
And mine is quite big .
Big enough to fit you in ,
But soon I want a day off with my boys to chase Tuna out I’m my playground
Bass  Straight  ,
That’s where I’m close to heaven and nature welcomes me every time ,

So I’ll wear my
Ray Band  Meta glasses and share the trip with you all , even if we don’t hook up on the fish I don’t really care as the time spent out there is Gold

Cheers xxx

PS ,
I forgot to say it will be a simple process to roll over your existing super account balance or part portion to the Australian fund it’s organised and ready .

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