All is not as it seems.

Hello everyone, I’m sure this story may just help to  change your perceptions on what our Australian government is actually like behind the scenes and what its like in a lot of foreign governments all over the world,

it’s a story of when me and my wife went on our first overseas holiday to Bali and it goes like this.

My wife and I decided we’re gonna take a short holiday to  Bali and I was pretty excited about that prospect because I never been anywhere out of the country before and we had to go through all the preparation stuff like get a passport and  get your bags and all that sort of good stuff , and then tickets also, our friends from over the road from us decided to come away with us.

We were booked in to a really nice place as a friend recommend it to us , I think it was called  Enderly Gardens it was a hotel in place on the corner of the market and the beach road .
A real tropical paradise with pools and even bars in the pool , you didn’t need money I. There as you just ran a tab to your hotel room.

So one of the exciting parts for me was to go through the application process of applying for a new passport and when it arrived I actually thought that they are gonna actually let me out of the country. Lol

I’m not sure but it was about a seven hour flight and we landed there in the morning and when we got out of the plane at the airport. Some kid tried to take my bag and carry it but I wouldn’t let him as I was weary .

There’s people everywhere , some even laying down , you had to produce both Your immigration card you fill out on the plane flight and show that on your exiting the of airport  along with your passport.

The airport was quite a busy and a scary place. There was armed guards everywhere in there with Oozie  machine guns in their hands standing strategically on guard and display and everywhere there were warning signs in multiple languages about drugs.

Drugs are a funny thing in Bali because they’re illegal and you can face the death penalty be caught trafficking and what could be classed there as trafficking could  be a very minor amount over there like just a gram over here.
But on the streets it was proven to be absolutely everywhere .

So I wasn’t going in with my eyes closed. I was well aware of the risk of doing drugs in Bali.
I was a smoker and I used to smoke marijuana pretty heavily before I flew over there but I’ve decided that I wasn’t there to smoke drugs i was there for the holiday and I would just go without.
So I managed to get through the airport security and into the foyer part where it opens up and we’re supposed to have a driver waiting for us there , I can’t remember if he was actually there but when those big doors opened I thought oh my god it’s a furnace a wall of heat smashed me everywhere not just in the face the whole place was so stinky sticky sweaty hot.
I instantly began to sweat from every part of my body and melt , we managed to find eventually our transfer driver who informed us on the way that we could no longer go to
Enderly Gardens hotel because it was overbooked and we had to go to a hotel called the Sahid , not as nice a hotel and not so good position to the beach and the market , so under my wife’s  protest to the driver about going to Enderly  Gardens we were dropped off and checked in at the Sahid ,

So most people that go to Bali are on holiday and  they  see exactly the same thing ,
they see a nice cheap Holiday at a holiday resort in a tropical island ,
Where their money goes so much further than at home or in  Queensland, which is generally a lot of Australians Holiday destination.

The Hustle and bustle  here with lunatics riding single double three four dogs on mopeds are so
All over the road , and with big waves dumping on the main beach with surfboards with no leg ropes , so the hirer gets his board back if you drown , and I’m not sure if they see the people that job is to try and rob you leaving night clubs and sometimes in broad daylight.

Well I guess I did see everything for what really is with my eyes, and with my minds eye wide open in this strange place , and I’ll  try to explain it as simple as I can so it’ll be a bit of a long story this one , but that’s the way it goes.

If You’re not interested or in for a long story  ,
Don’t read it.
So here is the story .

After I landed in Bali. We went to the Sahid. we had our duty free grog so we had a few drinks in the room before going down to the beach look around just for the day. It was so hot,  so hot that I was sweating out of my fingers. It was beading up on mt fingers and my hands are wet and everything else is wet I also had on my head long long dreadlocks at the time carrying around heavy dry hot hair as I would walk along the street , I’ve never seen anything  like this in my life before but you get constantly hassled by people that want to sell anything and everything to you? They just persist and don’t give up.

It  just annoyed the shit out of me really as I don’t know what’t really going on here and I’m really hot and bothered and really grumpy  ,so you try and watch  exactly what you’re doing and then hope they might stop harassing you ,
I did discover quite quickly if you walk into a shop or restaurant they arnt allowed to follow you inside so it’s one escape root .

My first afternoon I happened  to be walking on my own along the road near the market area on the opposite side near the shops when it started , hey Rusts want I’m not sure what they called it but you can say gunga , or dope and they would flash their wares at me ranging from an ounce or a deal of dope to a 2 once block of black hash ,
of course I thought about it for a split second but i stayed stuck to my plan .
I also was well aware that the police had people planted everywhere and people actually working undercover as informants to sell westerners drugs on the streets to then be immediately arrested and thrown in prison.
I had no plans to let this happen so I kept my promise I had made to myself and I stayed away from the drug scene .

That didn’t stop the harassment for me to by drugs from the sellers on the street.
My hair might have been the reason why people were just trying to sell me drugs everywhere that is what I thought

So I was walking along the street and some bloke tried to sell me something like a in a case that had
Tony Lockett number seven written on the lid , and he’s really number four trying to show me his wares. I was that hot and flustered and bothered a grumpy.
I just basically told him to F off he didn’t like that so I thought of a tactic. I’ll turn into a shop and walk into a courtyard to get away from him.
You see they don’t need mobile phones as the grapevine in Bali is faster and it works super fast for them and I think that’s in thirty seconds 20 of them followed me inside blocking the doorway , And I was standing there in a cobblestone courtyard quite angry and looking at them all and all of a sudden they parted ways and the biggest Balinese man ever in history stood before me , the muscle bound  supermen was standing opposite me on the other side of the courtyard.
I thought here we go but in the end though all the tension and testosterone fortunately it turned out to be a just a bit of a stand off in the end.
And to show me that man was the best fighter that they had ,Nothing happened. I simply turned and walked out of that shop. Showing then no respect at all.

We go out for tea every night with our friends to restaurants,we drink cheap and we eat cheap, we then go out afterwards to night clubs every night till about 2 am then we stumble back to the hotel.

I was always wound up wound up not really drunk  so when my wife would insistently go to sleep. I’d go straight back out onto the street it was warm so you were just in a singlet with shorts.
By the time we got stay in the Enderly Gardens at the beach it was literally right at the back door so would go to the beach in the middle of the night . when you been to Bali in the daytime there are sellers on the beach in spots every 20 m 10 m in some cases and they’re all selling something or doing something like massage , hair braiding and anything to earn a dollar , generally theyl are all Javanese the people from Java another close by Indonesian island they are quite different people ,
Balineseare  very quiet and very gentlely spoken people. Javanese are more aggressive and more after your money.

I had a beer at one of those little carts next to the beach it was a beautiful night it was moonlight and I was with some beautiful warm friendly people that are just getting there from Perth which  is only a 3hr flight so this couple flew in often for a weekend away .
Their  planes just landed and they are just having a beer before checking in you know then why it’s such a busy tourist place or it was back then.

I got talking to a young bloke who was Javanese there and he made his living on the streets like many of them hustling for  anything and everything
I was just having a general chat with him and we are sitting at the end of the beach at the cart up the road mind you by now it’s probably 3 am. I was getting along pretty good with that bloke and I asked him the question.

I told him what happened at the shop with all those blokes and I asked him what would happen if I had of smashed the guy.

He said you don’t want to do that Curly  because the cops will grab you and I’ll lock you up for  

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