Hello everyone how you going? 

I Just wanna talk to you about a couple of things on my mind that bother me about our local government? 

Like if you saw my post on the inverloch boat ramp upgrade yesterday and the Shire decision with the two red bins being landfill bins and no place for a recycle bin , where actually most of the rubbish at the beach is recyclable. 

It just shits  me to tears they think they can waste our money and resources but with me it started quite a long time ago with my involvement with the council and honestly when dealing with them you can beat your head up against a brick wall because a lot of them have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. 

They don’t know how to run a business either the size of a shire business or government business you can’t run it in the Red all the time like they always do and the way that they  can do that Is by Just keep on putting up your rates and charges  every time they can so the public to pay for the mistakes that they are constantly  making , if you can’t stay within your business budget give up . 

Let new people have a go and get a better CEO 

My gripes with the council started years ago.  A simple thing , I had a block of land on Webb Drive Wonthaggi and one thing that I wanted to do was build a road and so did everybody else on the Drive we all collectively wanted to build a bitumen Road and with drainage and curb and channel channelling and all the stuff that goes with that , and I took a petition up to and I presented it to the council to say every single block owner had agreed to and signed that said petition we collectively owned every block on that Drive , 100%  approval so the petition was that we were prepared to pay immediately for a sealed road and we want to build it asap , I also mentioned  maybe building a concrete one as they last for a lot longer time and are matenince that wouldn’t hear of it . 

Concrete roads are in some areas  in Melbourne and they were built around the time of the war and they are still in good condition today , 

They wouldn’t hear of it and believe  it or not , it took I think almost 10 years for them to actually build that road and then in that time just say pretending , hypothetically the cost was $80,000 for all of us block owners to share. They became $180,000 because of there inability that they showed as they couldn’t even draw the plan of the new road

. They had 13 engineers at that time in the office for drawing the plans up and they have to get someone from Warrnambool Shire to draw the road because that makes them Not accountable. 

I think I recall that added 180 k to our bills , they call that crime against the public outsourcing and they do it so If anything that goes wrong with it at any time in the future  they didn’t do the job so it’s someone else’s fault , they have just passed the Batton , so we ratepayers were actually paying 13 engineers  wages and they are incapable of even drawing up a simple plan , they all need to be sorted out and go. It’s all bullshit, and then I came to the skate park. That’s another thing not just those bins of landfill issue again and with the park it’s still stuck at only stage 1 out of five at the skate park for my kids as it’s such a long story  , but I ran a petition in town that got 7650 odd signatory’s and  our towns population was about 5000 .

I blew them out of the water and it got one piece of the scate park built and I still want the rest , but for my kids that use the park and show respect now in return the Bass Coast Shire don’t even bother to unlock the toilet facilities for them , 

they are a disgrace ,

I’ve approached  them twice on that very issue since the original park build I had been and taken photos and I have gone up there to the shire office and I have spoken to them on this hygiene issue and they have assured  me that they’ll open them from now every day and they’ve never opened them on one day since except for when it’s the local footy finals Disgrace the list goes on but yeah I’m not gonna say nothing about the local MP who is the labour minister in Parliament for our Shire Jordan Crugnale 

She also gets a well deserved spray and here is why. 

 I asked her a simple question about a acute mental health facility if it was going to be built in this  new massive hospital expansion that her team along with Dan Andrews , were building. Will you allocate the funding to facilitate a new acute mental health facility at the Wonthaggi and District Hospital? You are spending big money over the road at the park and she  wouldn’t answer me , l asked publicly on facebook   She made just one or two comments as the tread went crazy , I asked her a few times and she still wouldn’t answer me a simple yes or no that’s all I wanted from her but really I wanted a mental health facility built in there for the kids and adults in my area and in my town that need to get help and  that their family can visit them after work to , but like all politicians they do not answer your questions directly they change the subject I got big dick around well I had enough and actually to rub salt into the wounds Jordan organised to wreck a perfectly good park over the road from the new hospital and rebuild it for I believe somewhere between 1&3 million dollars , strangely it’s with less swings and facilities for the public , I was so wild as our ratepayers kids and grandkids miss out again and they the kids have stuck to the deal I made with them and respect their park but it’s now the next generation but they keep the park good as promised. 

So on one of my posts about the question of an acute mental  hospital facility i posted on Facebook , the federal minister  

Russell Broadbent contacted me and he suggested we have a meeting and discuss it while I did ring up to make a meeting time it didn’t suit and it went by the wayside till now just like the scare park issue , 

We have had enough of this crap   

Jordan still fails to address my question and I see her regularly in public and she ignores me . 

All our current politicians are the same . 

Vote 1 yes for a revolution . Together we can create a new future , 

We just can’t stay like this 

Well I certainly don’t want to 


Curlyg xxx

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