Because we are as a country committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and we already in Australia have ample gas wells capped , that supply both all of Australia needs and our current export needs.
Because of our country’s position on carbon pollution now and in the future , there should be no further need for seismic testing in any Australian waters as to have more gas exploration goes completely against our government future C2 reduction plan,
It does on the other hand go in favour of increasing our exports so it looks good on the balance of accounts ledger for the country
And I don’t think that the government counts C2 exports in its total.
Maybe we should have to ask for or demand that countries that we export both gas and oil to that those countries provide Australia with carbon credits in return ,per tonne of gas or barrel of oil that we export.
On the other hand a court injunction was recently granted to stop seismic testing by Woodside in Scarborough in WA , where the court decided that the traditional owners of the lands had not been consulted properly on the project.
I think that this sets a bit of a precedent which maybe can be followed and pursued,
like besides the consultation process not being met it’s traditionally the area that the Aboriginals sea spirit dwells and they could claim native title to the court for that complete area under both of those circumstances .
Either way the complete testing and future drilling wells in that area would cease .
In conclusion we all must have a supply of energy and a balance in harvesting and generating it in which to live , but the form of that energy it is rapidly changing here in Australia
It’s in its early days yet
But we as a country are currently fully committed to to renewables by our federal government.
Hopefully the technology will change and we can in the future use carbon neutral forms of power generation ourselves , because at the moment we as humans are leaving too big a footprint upon Mother Earth