Hey Griff,
I think Dan should order water now for summer from the Desall ,
as he has pumped it out all winter just incase it was going to stop raining , at a huge cost to us ,
One excuse is that they need to run it as the pumps apparently they all start to seise up in the plant if they lay idol for too long ,
With this being one of the most recent and modern plants in the world , I find this excuse pretty hard to believe , as one would assume that the fixed parts of the pumps are made of the correct grade stainless steel , and the rear cast iron ,
so corrosion would not be an issue at all,
I feel that it’s just in underhand deal with the operator of the plant to allow them to make money out of us the ratepayers for jam .
So I think Dan it’s time we the public might just send you an order, mate to, just for the late spring period heading for summer and order you to Vacate your office ,
by sending you and your party a clear message and by voting both you and your Labour Party out right across the state , mostly because of
you and your party’s blunders over the period of you leadership and for wasting our taxes on your mates , and also for cancelling state projects that had already gone through the planning stages and that had already cost us taxpayers a fortune ,
and you blew it.
And you arrogantly just stopped those projects even after all of the prior planning , property acquisition and funding allocation decisions had been made and you cancelled those projects, and wasted so much money doing so , to the detriment of both the people that are both directly and indirectly effected , and to the detriment of state growth
Goodbye Dan ,
But before you go mate another thing ,
maybe you should pay back the cost of pumping water for us over the winter that had just past back, to the public , out of your pocket mate ,
as the winter in Victoria we just had, was recorded as an actually wetter than average winter period this year ,
So you have no justification switching on the pumps mate .
and also by the way , Dan and while you are at it ,
I suggest that your government send a cheque back to the superfund that you just sold part of Vic roads to ,
without telling us the public of your intentions ,
and give them a full refund , on our behalf .
We want our asset to be safety and swiftly returned , and placed back into the public hands,
to protect us all from future unfair price rises in our registration and licensing costs .
You ought to be ashamed of yourself mate , you are a disgrace both financially and morally , to the people that you and your government were elected to represent and serve , I think we the public have had enough of your leadership , and I’m glad that now your position is up for grabs,
As I , as of yet have not had a proper response to my simple question about an acute mental health unit for Wonthaggi by both your government health minister and my local sitting member.
That question that I seek a simple answer to from your government, and that l have been asking for around six months and with no direct yes or no answer has been forthcoming from your government , and unfortunately that’s inclusive of my local mp
Jordan.Crugnale ,
who is also towing your party line and also won’t give me a direct answer to a simple question,
so I ask you ,
how do you actually think that you and your ministers deserve to win relection ? ,
when you can’t even answer one question from one of your constituents?
So that’s my question number two mate but I don’t expect an answer as I believe that it takes over six months to get one and I’m not quite sure that you will still have your job by then
So ,
Once again ,
Can I get a straight answer for my questions from the Victorian branch of the Labour Party ?
I still do look forward to your answer now on both questions and Jordan s answer also should now be forthcoming
But hurry up because the clock is ticking
And I think you will be raining tears in November mate so just sell them back to the Desall , as we in Vic don’t need any more water and we should throw you away like a wet rag
Curlyg xxx