Today was interesting as I helped mum in the garden of one of her friends that has shifted away. 

Dad came along to help and he was doing a reasonable job of pruning the roses and putting the cuttings in the wheelbarrow , 

I was busy wipper snipping and I hadn’t noticed but dad had wheeled the wheelbarrow out to the front to empty it into my trailer, 

All of a sudden appeared a strange man in the backyard wheeling the barrow with dad not far behind , 

He stated that’s no good 

I saw the old man struggling to push the barrow and when I looked it was empty, so I took it for him . 

I’m not sure what he thought of me and mum there making the old fella just about bust a boiler , 

I said to him thanks everything is ok  he still muttered that it’s just not right , 

So I met him out the front and tried to explain the situation 

I told him that dad was blind and deaf  and stubborn and will not lie down , 

I asked him if he thought that dad would have a heart attack 

He said yes 

I said that he is like a tough old bull that won’t stop. 

I thanked him for his concern and kindness . 

I returned to the backyard to mum and we briefly spoke about the situation it was sort of embarrassing to have a member of the public intervene , and it sort of looks like he is stuck working down the block in the future 

I do understand what’s happening and I also understand dad’s frustration and the want he has to contribute to situations in a positive way , 

That is really becoming more and more difficult as time goes on , 

He is not the sort of bloke to sit and watch a movie as he can’t really see it anyway and really the only main thing he has to enjoy is gardening besides him maybe one day coming to the realisation and acceptance that he is old and it’s ok to slow down with the physical work and take life a bit easier . 

But that’s easier said than done 


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