Well since last week when dad risked everything and he walked home from the block there has not really been much improvement at all in his decision making since ,
as he went to work down at the block today on what seems to be the hottest day of the year and he absolutely knocked the stuffing out of himself in the heat .
Mum picked him up at 11 and I got to their house around four and he was totally comatized and he had crashed out straight away on the chair and he was still in the lounge in the recliner and he was sleeping with his mouth wide open, when I arrived , and he was actually sort not a great colour and to be honest looking a bit like he was dead .
I took a photo but it didn’t turn out as the blind was open and I went to close it to take another but it woke him up.
So just a bit of a funny thing that came up a fair while back , and it’s one of the crazy reasons that dad chose to walk , was that ever since Vic Roads took away his drivers licence he has been angry at loosing his independence and mobility.
So a few years ago he came up with the idea of riding a motorised bicycle, and at that stage the family didn’t think that that was that much of a bad idea, and my sister Debbie ordered a petrol engine kit online and then from somewhere also appeared a suitable adult bike.
The bike was then modified and the engine was then fitted by my brother in law Paul and his boys at their workshop and then taken back to dad’s shed .
We all happened to be gathered there looking at the machine in front of us and we all had the same thought that this was just crazy as it was an 80cc petrol engine and it was going to be so way overpowered and totally dangerous .
And just to despite the fact that I have never seen dad ever ride a bike in my life and I doubted that he even could.
So the plan was aborted and the bike taken away much to dad’s total disappointment.
So fast forward a year or two and I went to mums for lunch and dad told me he now had another plan and that was to go to
Phil Roaches store and order himself a new mobility scooter.
I told him that was just totally ridiculous as he was basically completely blind and he would certainly run over and hurt someone on the footpath pretty quickly.
But he said to me that he wanted no ordinary scooter and that he had decided that he wanted to order a double seater model because in his mind he could see mum dinking him around town and down to the block on the scooter.
I couldn’t believe what I had just heard and think I started laughing at the idea and told him that was so ridiculous as I don’t think that they even make them as I haven’t ever seen one out on the streets.
I was then that I said to him quite simply that mum can just drive him down there in the car and that plan was also aborted to dad’s disappointment.
So I was there at mum and dad’s house just the other day , when mum told me that in one of the industrial sheds over the road that there was now a new workshop for a motorcycle club.
I think that the new business had held an open for inspection night exclusively for its club members and they were courteous and kind enough to put the caretaker of the premises up in a motel for the night so as not to disturb him .
And I think because it was invite only they had security on the gate .
I said to mum that maybe she should go over there and ask them if she can join up ,
she replied that they don’t want an old girl like me .
I said to her that I think it’s pretty cool mum to have their workshop in the street as you would have to think it makes it safer.
Over the years I have been invited to a few social gatherings with a few different motorcycle groups and I had the best times .
So , the next day the owner of the premises must have been contracted and told by someone about the gathering the night before and I don’t think that he was too pleased about it , and he paid the workshop a visit ,
inside there were two bikes undergoing repairs and also a bit of a bar built inside which is no big deal in a blokes workshop .
The landlord then went to see my mum to talk about how she felt about things , my mum praised the behaviour of the members and told him that she is quite happy to have them all there , and that they are no trouble at all.
So as my dad has the driest sense of humour in the world that I know ,
and it’s really quite rare for anyone to ever hear and see him laugh .
But as I got up to leave I said to mum and dad that I have a great idea .
That changed this for dad for once completely .
I said to dad ,
Hey Dad
Why don’t you order yourself a two seater Harley Davidson mobility scooter , and then mum you can put on your new club leather vest and then you can dink dad around town on it .
Hmm ,
maybe you can also get it serviced over the road .
It was so funny
I can’t really remember dad ever laughing ever before like he did then
So cool
it was Gold