This is a post from a while back but the principal idea is still valid.
I blame both the labour and liberal parties in Australia completely for the position we are all now in , a 1.3 trillion dollar debt , and I’m sick and tired of hearing them blame the previous government for everything that is wrong.
They were all elected by the people of Australia to represent them and to make decisions for them in their best interests.
None of them have any plans to bring Australia’s deficit under any sort of control and they need to stand up and take responsibility for all of their election promises made at the time to the people.
As for the price of fuel , I came up with a plan and wrote it on Facebook a fair while ago , and I suggested that we buy back and cancel all of the existing contracts for the bass straight oil field and then pipe it all onshore and then we can refine it at the defunct Barry’s beach terminal and then we will supply all of our own fuel needs and we also will completely stop all
exports of our crude oil.
The pipes we would need already are in position , and the infrastructure is there at the old refinery laying idle and with minimal maintenance it will be ready to start refining as soon as the current contracts are paid out and cancelled and we begin pumping our own crude.
Either we do it singularly or in joint venture with the Aboriginals as I believe it’s possibly on sacred waters .
This will cost us the Australian taxpayers a fair bit of money ,
but we will have our own fuel at a reasonably cheap and stable price that stays steady and will not fluctuate with the prices of barrels of oil US and opec interference.
That will actually result in bringing down inflation and interest rates marginally across the board.
It will boost the economy and stimulate real growth and create real jobs and actually put money back into our pockets ,without effecting our petrol station distribution networks profitability.
I also suggested in that paper that possibly that the aboriginal community,
put in a native title claim on that area of Bass Straight and in conjunction with fellow Australians and work in our first real partnership together ,
to all of Australia’s benefit.
As for the price of fuel it was predicted to hit around the $3 per litre last December which would have made diesel fuel around $3.50 per litre at that time , this was partly averted by the federal government dropping half of the excise off fuel for a few months ,
Australia can not afford such high fuel prices as our distances for distribution of goods and freight is vast and In that delivery we use a lot of fuel and that cost is added to the retail goods ,
With this plan retail prices will fall as the government would order no profit taking .
Families now can not afford to fill their tanks , it’s ridiculous.
I think our politicians need to be held accountable for our future and somehow work out just how to pay the bills that they have all happily created.
I also believe it’s time we Australians stand up for Australia
and it’s independents
And remember that , that oil actually belongs to all Australians not the politicians
Curlyg xxx