Shouldn’t we have a protest at the Australian parliament as they are who actually approved and issues the permits to operate and exploit our waters to , the os companies.
Those companies are just playing by the rules set in place by our government.

I say a land protest would achieve a lot more and be more effective in the fight against seismic testing than the Rainbow Warrior taking a boatload of scientists out to protest except for the captain and three deckies ,
out to tackle someone as big a Woodside ,
its just a patsie protest , and can’t ever actually achieve anything.

On the land it would give long time supporter’s of Greenpeace , a chance to actively participate in an organised peaceful protest that could actually achieve the desired result if enough supporters march on parliament house. 
Just maybe then with the power of numbers they might listen .

It’s worth a go what do you say Greenpeace?
Can you organise such a protest day and together we can all get Woodside’s permit to operate revoked .

In fact it would be nice to get all the os companies permits revoked and then renegotiated as they take mega litres and cubic metres of gas and they only pay about eight cents a litre with no excise , no gst and no carbon credits.

How much do we Australians pay for gas ?

A darn lot more than 8 cents,
You havd to question a go that looks after foreigners before our own citizens.

This is the tip of the iceberg .
But ill write more about things on my website

Cheers xxx

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