Marg Healy the govement in power made this announcement, they could have easily crossed the floor and voted it down , the government that is in control always look after the top , end and themselves ,
they don’t care about the people the country or the land we live on , they only care about money and their back door deals , I don’t care which government is in charge they are all the same , and working in an outdated parliamentary system
Hmm I wonder what that sort of pressure , of that extra borrowed money the prime minister is committing Australians to , will actually have on our current interest rates?With inflation already spiralling out of control , im sure they will steadily rise time and time again , when the reserve bank meets despite the talk of only two rises left , I have never heard so much crap in my life as it’s not politicians that control interest rates directly , but many factors in the market do that can be influenced by good political policy’s
So in conclusion Marg , all of our politicians and their parties suck, they do nothing to address the growing national debt , they do nothing to address rising inflation or interest rates ,