Greenpeace letter

It’s all well and good to take action at the coal front to raise awareness and to interrupt the company from going about what is their lawful right , as they  certainly will have a permit  that has being granted to them , from the Australian government to operate their vessel in those waters.

I understand that the court has granted Greenpeace the right to peaceful protest , so wouldn’t it be a better tactic next time to
co ordinate  a duel effort with both a land and sea protests, that would give  all of your Greenpeace supporters the chance to  actively participate,

While you move in on the ship again to halt operations,
Greenpeace supporters would march and rally at parliament houses  all around the country for a  well coordinated  and organised peaceful land protests
All simultaneously demanding that the Australian government remove  all of the permits for seismic testing for all companies in all Australian 



Now I’m sure that that would get a fair amount of media attention around the country and the world  and it will certainly bring the issue straight to our MP’s  and the general public’s attention .

I wonder what sort of turn out it would get   
Greenpeace could have live footage from the offshore protest  streamed live into the parliament areas and also on facebook , and instagram and raise more support for the cause during the protest, enough to gather more signatures than ever before

It would be a historic protest organised by Greenpeace and one that could just help spark change in our governments policies and put a permanent end to offshore mining and seismic testing in all Australian waters .

What do you think Greenpeace?
