Glen M Taylor look mate for a start Glen it’s just an idea I have ,to simply generate a lot of usable power within the parameters of the existing power network infrastructure,

I have no data on projected energy production , nor technical designs on the turbines it’s just a concept at this stage .

But firstly the wind generators won’t be the blade type
They would be small vertical turbines , brushless , and dry ceramic  bearings , to basically make them  as maintenance free as possible , and to minimise fire risk.

The solar panels will be conventional panels ,
I guess that they would all wire in together into the one charger controller per pole and then it feed directly into the transmission line. No voltage drop

The turbines would operate at low breeze speed and continue to operate at gale force winds generating  power and of course , the solar panels only adds to the  overall output during daylight hours ,

The system will be flexible and more turbines can be added in wind prone areas , and more solar panels in less wind prone areas.

I believe if undertaken on a major scale it would generate a large amount of power in the national grid.

It would also create a lot of local jobs to build the turbines and , solar panels instead of like the situation now with our renewables money  nearly all basically heading offshore .

Things start off with an idea ,and it goes  forward if people judge it  to be a feasible idea  , or it fades away and ceases if there is little or no interest .

I do hope that this idea captures people’s imagination like it has mine , and we could have some cheeper power when this catches on.


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