It certainly is Parks ,
but unfortunately most IGA stores are small in size compared to their competitors, making it hard for them to financially compete.
Obviously the way to fix this is to have a bigger store with more veriety.
It makes me think that the site of the old Wonthaggi Technical school site would be ideal for a new multi story and underground carpark and a massive IGA ,
Wouldn’t that just shape the town ,
they could then do their planned roof and make the Mall in Mcbride Avenue a reality providing both sheltered and protected pedestrian walking in Mcbride Ave , feeding into Graham St and then all the foot traffic will increase down to the main street most would be accessed through the Mall ,
Reviving and rejuvenating all the businesses located there,
No more council parking infringement notices as you have parked at Richies .
And the clincher for the owner of the building of the current IGA lease is that they can then begin to negotiate a brand new lease of the premises with possibly the Chemist Wharehouse to occupy that site in the future as I hear a roomer that they are looking for an appropriate site to trade from.
So it would be a massive win for everyone in town but the other supermarkets , but they dont have community benifits like Richie’s do ,
So maybe you can try and shop with your feet and if you can shop at Richies and everyone support not just Wonthaggi’s IGA’s but IGA’s stores all over the country,
Because Its where the Community Benifits .
Cheers xxx