Kath Smith I totally agree with you Kath and I have a new idea and…

Kath Smith I totally agree with you Kath and I have a new idea and concept that will enable  Australians to one day once again publicly own our electrical distribution network and we can generate as close to green power as we can get , generated through both solar. and wind power ,

I want to see us manufacture state of the art solar panels and small vertical wind turbines , right here using all Australian components and labour creating so many  local jobs ,

Then I’d like to see them all placed strategically on our existing  electricity power poles all over the country ,
to be set up  in configurations for the  individual weather conditions in each area ,

Can you begin to imagine just how much power Australia would produce with these set up and running on every power pole in the country?

We wouldn’t need any of the other wind and solar farms that are scattered Willy nilly around our landscape   

I could go on and explain it all technically but it has so many positive advantages . And no matter what you think about the government’s commitment to Nett Zero , this program would accelerate Australia to reach that green power target well ahead of schedule.

Also the carbon footprint of the manufacture and installation when compared to existing infrastructure would be minimal ,as the  power poles are already existing ,we will just  then utilise all of the suitable ones.

Maybe  with a project like this and the mass production of green power we can turn the the corner and Australia can return to the status of the cleaver country, I’d love to see that

I have put in a preliminary application for  a federal government grant to develop the system and concept before Christmas but unfortunately I haven’t heard a peep back from them yet ,
maybe they don’t think it’s a good idea , but  I’m still hopeful that they read and consider my application and then decide to fund this important project for Australia ,

I’m sure that one day in the future we will be able to have cheep power here and that would stimulate our suffering manufacturing sector making them and everyone else more competitive as well as boost everything else

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