Hi everyone , this morning i hooked up Tiger Ben  and messaged a young mate Noah , he is a barman at my local the Killy Pub .
He asked me a few weeks ago if i could take him out .

So I picked him up on my way past the Killy bus Stop.
He was pretty excited which is nice ,
I thought we would find a few flatties , out the front. The plan was to hit the flathead out the front then try for a King George whiting on the way home.

We launched the boat at Newhaven  and  we cranked up the music loud and we flew out under the bridge to the tune of,
Dont stop me now, Queen ,

Then down to around the starboard channel markers at Woolami .
Clear the port danger marker it was quite calm up until then , when with absolutely no swell but instead a nasty tide and wind sloppy chop,
so it was an initiation for Noah , but he handled it like a trooper .

So i have a few  marks out there on my gps that over the years have helped me regularly catch fish .
Today was no exception.
We hit the first mark and we both  baited up,
hard tough baits are preferred because when you Fish at that type of depth , it’s a long way down and a long way up, you don’t wanna have to wind up to check your bait very often.

I think we caught only a couple of Fish there in 20 min meanwhile I taught Noah the basic way it works on the Boat for the two of us.
We then headed further out to another set of marks  and I set up a drift line from the top and aimed it straight through the middle of them,
We caught a few  early and we’re getting bites but by then we had heavy sinkers to hit the bottom and the wind started blowing quite hard ,
so the Boat on the GPS was doing a drift rate of around 1.7 1.8 km/h.
I’ve got a thing called a drone which is a parachute sea anchor.

This performs multiple tasks when deployed because we’re going along so fast we had to use heavy sinkers but once the drones deployed speed came down to the 1 km mark . This allows us to use smaller sinkers and see the bite a bit easier. It’s also not as tough to wind your gear up.

That drift just took us over some distance and a fair few patches of flathead I took some video footage but didn’t actually turn the video on so of course they didn’t work.

Once the fish weren’t  on the bite any more I then use the GPS to drive us right back to the same spot and then redeploy and set the drone again and then it was just straight back to smashing them . We did thst drift twice more and we had bagged out .

Poetic Justice for us to catch our limit today of 40 nice size flathead.
Noah was absolutely stoked. He couldn’t believe it. He said he thought would be lucky to catch one or two. Let alone to bag out.

I told him what my mate Greg said.
When he takes people out in his boat, he feels the pressure of having to fond and catch Fish.
I feel it too sometimes, but I generally tell guests that if we catch fish we do. If we don’t we don’t. That’s Fishing for you.

I returned in the slop into the bay for a quick shot of the Whiting but the wind ripped up pretty severely so we decided to call it a day and pack up and head home. I’ve only just finished cleaning the Fish and its 10 o’clock.

Noah did a great video for me when we got home to thank me and explain to people what it was like out in Bass Straight but once again I didn’t push record.

So that was Fishing trip on the flatties today.
We well and truly caught a lot of Fish.
Noah was a bit spoilt as he had my two favourite rods in his hands all day .
They are the  rods that I’ve owned the longest one was my first rod ever and and its  a fourty year old ugly stick  and the other one was a custom-made Rod by a friend Julio.

Thats the wrap

Cheers xxx

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