Becca McIntosh It sort of means alot to me Becca in many different ways ways ,
Firstly when my grandpop died i was allowed to look through his bedside draw and I found his mine pass inside it so i asked my Nona if i nay have it .
She said yes si i took it home and put it in my draw ,
On occasions i would take it out and just hold it tight .
It would carry my mind back to thoughts of my grandfather that i treasured .
The pass stayed in my draw until i was fourteen and I started secondary school and was given a locker key that i thought i would put the token on my keyring .
It’s been there ever since , i have lost my keys countless times once for three months, but they have always cone back to me ,
One of the holes has become worn so i changed the ring to the other hole not long ago .
The cut you can see i can’t explain, the pass is made of solid brass and ti cut it like that would just about need a mechanical method ,
Maybe it was in my pocket during done sort of impact im not sure .
The other thing is that it reminds me of the power of the people , when all of the miners stuck together in a historical strike against the state government,
They refused to back down and they eventually won better pay and conditions.
Sometimes i think that , thats the sort of spirit the Australian

people need to find and stand up for our freedoms and our Australian way of life , that all the current governments are constantly eroding away and they continue selling off everything that the public own and after that they still languishing us in massive debt.
It makes me wonder what the future holds ,
I still are dreaming that its positive.
Bring on a revolution
Cheers xxx