In reply to a person about necleur power being banned in Australia

Margaret Watson i think he already knows and his party are using it as a tactic against Labour as no one is satisfied with what has become of our electrical generation and distribution system here ,
its in a complete mess and people are watching our forests being clear felled and big chunks of farm land being acquired for expensive foreign owned  unreliable renewable energy projects .

People and business want stability on the retail price and delivery of electricity and at the moment there is neither.

The government obviously do not want to solve the problem at all , as a while back i applied for a government grant under the solar and renewable energy development grant scheme, where there was 21 million up for grabs for research and  development of renewable energy energy projects.

My idea l recon is an absolute ripper of an idea , but i didn’t even get a response back let alone a grant.

I wonder where that $21 million actually went?

I believe my system and its concept is both smart and feasible and  with  the right backing  it could be up and running  in a time frame of possibly twelve months , the first test would be in place much sooner .

The Liberals plan for nuclear, besides being illegal in Australia 


, is not going to fix anything for its quoted build time frame is thirty years ,
even if its twenty its just a waste of time but it will enable Anthony Albernese,s subs to park here.

So the question is why doesnt any Australian government realistically want to fix our power problems?


Here’s a thought Maybe they got too many political donation’s by the people overseas that are currently running all of the renewables programs, and they cant change it.

The ironic part is if my system is put in place in no time Australia would meet its carbon neutrality many years ahead of what is now an unreachable target.
And we be a world leader , in renewable energy technology also creating many real jobs and a real tangible export market for our Australian system’s .

It is time we got our country to change,
not just power but with a lot of things,

There are so many issues that we face that need addressing but our governments and their leaders have their heads buried deep in the sand ,
I think it pays so much better that way than to serve our people.

Cheers xxx

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