Hello everyone this time I want to talk about something a bit different back in the early 90s. Jeff Kennett became the Premier of Victoria, after backstabbing Alan Brown a local respected hardworking Wonthaggi man that I personally knew well. Just three months before the election, He was ousted because of his background and he was the son of a lowly Wonthaggi Coal Miner . And educated at Wonthaggi Technical School.
When Jeff got into power he gave Alan the terrible job of sorting out Victorian railways that were in an absolute shambles.
To Alan’s credit he did quite well , and later was rewarded for his contributions to the State with a job in England .
Jeff Kennetts government also decided to introduce to us.
The public to privatisation.
Privatisation is the fancy name for a sale of our publicly owned assets to whom the government sees fit , and they went hard at it selling everything they could.
I don’t think that they still raised enough money with that fire sale to balance the books.
I can’t remember but even if they did it’s no achievement to brag about, by the governments it’s just a big garage sale. Mr Kennet just decided to sell our SEC , that stood for the state electricity commission who were mostly down in the
La Trobe Valley and they were responsible for generating most of Victorias power.
He decided to shut down power stations I think Loyang was either among the first or the last,
The first power station that jeff sold off was Yallorn , it went to a French consortium and in the contracts the government made up there was clauses on rises in the future retail price of the supply of electricity from that company there would be no rises at all for a period two years.
After that two years it was open slather and our bills started to just skyrocket way back then , and they still keep rocketing up now , so how the hell did it this privatisation actually work out cheaper for us as promised by Jeff Kennet to us the consumer?
It didn’t.
It’s a Furfey .
The government leaders have stuffed this up so badly that they have to now constantly pay us all subsidies now all the time just so we can pay the foreign companies for our for our expensive power.
Those subsidies are planned to cease next year . Making your actual bill much higher.
They said at the time that competition will keep the prices down and just like the price gouging in the supermarket that we all saw recently , The price gouging on power is exactly the same.
Aren’t good enough at this stage to hold their own. We still need fossil fuel power to take us foward it takes an idiot to think any different.
It won’t be for long though. These are the things the government don’t tell you everything or anything about the truth of what’s going on behind-the-scenes for anything.
Hows this?
A few years ago I was working as a Barman at the Killy pub. They’re had just been a big electricity breakdown for possibly a week in Victoria and I saw out the front window a heap of trucks and semi trailers going past one after the other carrying just one massive diesel power generator each.
Three were headed to the Wonthaggi desalination plant which was having trouble turning on because the underground cable they used building it was too small and incapable of supplying the amount of current and power the plant needed to operate.
I think the other 27 generators went strait though to the Latrobe Valley to the site one of the old abandoned power generating plants , to line them all up in a neat row and then plug them straight in to Victoria main power supply line
Problem fixed .
These are massive diesel power generators that Victorian state government under orders from Daniel Andrews got them all fueled up and switched on , they don’t really ever turn off.
How’s the pollution?
So every night I’ve heard up to 32 tankers full of diesel fuel secretly under the cloak of darkness quietly drive into that power plant to fill the tanks to run the dirty diesel generators so that we in Victoria have enough power , but we still have blackouts frequently but lucky it’s green power because, we in Victoria won’t accept less, there’s heaps less pollution will come out of the defunct power plant when it’s turned back on than out of the dirty old diesel generators ,
once we fire the power plant back up and get it on line , they are going to be sent straight back to where they came from .
Imagine the weekly hire bill?
That power station ,
It was running on brown coal, we can recommission it and make it into super low output of emissions working model .
So it’s all in illusion to sell out our power supplies to overseas companies so we then all get held over a barrel and we have to pay whatever they desire together to all charge us.
I had an idea which I thought was pretty good. I’ve written a few papers on it over the years and it’s probably good that it has come to now because I have put more thought into it and come up with other new ideas to improve it and to incorporate into its final design concept .,
I actually not long ago I applied for government research and development grant under the energy solar and renewable energy grant scheme .
There was $21 million up the grabs , and guess how much they gave me ? nothing.
They didn’t even acknowledge me and with that I didn’t get a look in. They were just showing plain old ignorance and arrogance.
Those grants go to mates of theirs with no plans at all . They were completely disinterested ,
Maybe you won’t be.
So here’s my idea briefly this is for us the people to finance and together build and run
Like the NEC the new National Electricity Company with its small solar panels and vertical wind turbines and solar discs panels ,alongside of them and they are installed on top of every power pole in Australia.

Once installed the people that own and have those big wind turbines and those big solar farms in our country can simply pack them all up and go home.
As we are like now a massive a buying group and we buy our own cheeper power instead of their expensive product.and gain Australia points in the process.
The future wind turbines current installation plans will be stopped immediately and are never to go ahead stopping them further ruining our landscape , farms and oceans .
We don’t need them any more. I’ve spoken to engineers about my design concept. They loved it but because I’m not giving my government MP’s millions in the back door and pockets ,
I don’t get a look in they don’t care about us at all , they are too busy big noting themselves and counting hundred dollar bills behind our backs .
So the revolution has a plan , a real plan to build a whole new concept of an electricity system throughout Australia on our power poles with batteries and smart technology.
The government has nothing to offer but just to sell our souls. An maybe go Nuclear
Interestingly enough I have spoken to a few politicians online recently who are happy to speak to you , until you asked them some hard questions?
Apparently Queensland is the only state left that hasn’t privatised their power supply yet and the reason is because that is that in that state they still just use all fossil fuel to generate power and by using coal in generating their power and they can make it cheaper than any other state.
Wayne Swan kindly told me that fact , leaving out the bit about fossil fuels, so when I questioned him on the generation of the power there being coal . He instantly dismissed me and never spoke to me again.
Interesting enough I’ll write a comment on one of the social media platforms about renewable energy with the now State government launching the new SEC
I said it was a useless toothless tiger and then some lady answered me. Her name is Lily , and it turns out she is the Victorian minister for energy and resources,
I thought great , so I asked her if we still Victoria own our infrastructure being the poles transmission lines etc for the electrical supply to Victorians homes,
I was interested because with my idea I need to use the poles. It’s important that we still own them.
She answered. No , I kindly asked her who owns them then?
She was just exactly like Wayne Swan and she dumped me on the spot and I’ve asked her more than once the same question again she does not even acknowledge me.
In the big picture with my idea it doesn’t matter who owns the poles and lines will buy them back and we own them.
We will eventually own the whole system. No one can touch it. No one then charges us more for power.
No one has any other say but us , but that’s the way it should be.
We can realistically lower in time the real cost of retail electricity in the country
Giving everyone real cost of living relief , and such a big boost to business and our manufacturing sector .
This is real economics
As for the politicians, they’re all lying so and so’s
I could go on and tell you how much of a scam the government running when it comes to renewables and putting solar on your house and batteries. It’s all a scam put together by them to try and bring this net zero target closer.
They don’t care that they give you five cents to buy your kilowatt hour from your extra power and then the retailer from the flick of a switch sells it for whatever the charge rate is, and they’re cheeky enough to charge me an extra dollar to get it because it’s ‘green energy and they did nothing at all to generate it.
They just stole it from you.
Your meter should record everything extra that you put into the grid like just run backwards and it should be like a bank you will get to use it back before you pay for any other use of power from any other company?even if it’s used in the grid the credit was in your meter already so you can’t loose . If you can’t use all your extra power you have the option of selling it off to the grid .
I’m sure my boys and the team will get this sorted pretty fast and as for Latrobe Valley,and power generation .
Why don’t we just recommission and turn on one of the old coal fired power generators back on?
Make it super efficient? and it has to be much more environmentally friendly and better than 31 diesel generators because when the power was fixed in Victoria that’s where those generators went there to do and have run and polluted the atmosphere ever since .
We will also fire up LPG turbines as they have next to none emissions and provide a lot of energy per litre burnt .
So you can see why I have distain for politicians and they really need a public lynching, but when they’re going gets hot, they jump ship and hope they are immune to prosecution, I don’t actually think that they are.
A crime is a crime .
I hope this new technology brings power into perspective for the whole country.
I can’t wait to see those wind turbines spinning up above every pole in the country thats suitable along with solar panels beside them and soon enough we have got it made and we will be selling them to other countries all around the world and exporting them by the ship full.
We will also provide relief to our third world countries and help them as soon as we can.
Ps if you are worried about us running one coal fired power plant I’ll tell you a secret thats with all of our massive coal exports here in Australia that get taken off shore to be burnt in high efficiency turbines without suppling us even one carbon credit . How is this possible?
And to my local MP
Miss Jordan Crugnale she is exactly the same as the rest of her cronies and she refused to answer a public question that I tabled with a simple straight forward answer.
I asked her about a provision of a new mental health ward in Wonthaggi’s new hospital rebuild , a while back
I think she refused to answer me at least three times with absolutely no grounds for skipping my simple question.
She also wasn’t at an important public meeting about erosion eating at the inverloch Surf Lifesaving Club the beach there on Sunday .
But a typical example of politics in Australia lucky for us we are supposed to be democratic but you can’t get a straight answer from politicians. Go figure .
Cheers xxx