Politics banana republic

Once there was a federal Labour treasurer and a man that later became our prime minister ,
Paul Keating and he famously said , and I quote We in Australia are going to be a banana republic. ,
maybe he was ahead of his time and snd its more like now are now because we are nearly a basket case ,

If it wasn’t for a mass immigration policy by the federal government ,
its actually bringing in real monies into our economy, otherwise we would be completely stuffed.

Immigration and coal and cheep gas exports are the only things keeping Australia going, but they our leaders will avoid the truth and pretend it’s not

Also immigration it’s keeping a cap on interest rates but is that any way to manage our Australian economy?

What about the problems that have been exasperated under a federal labour government

Let’s start with inflation , followed by interest rates , as the two are closely linked ,
the cost of living,
shopping has become just ridiculous , fuel prices ,
Electricity and energy prices ,
They only have a subsidy to pay us to try and keep us quiet,
What happens next year do we get more and more subsidies ?

They also have a massive  indigenous problem , they helped create
We  all need to hear the answers as to where that 40 billion dollars a year is actually spent ,
It’s a reasonable question by taxpayers to ask ,

We have had a painful start with Anthony Albanese and  his government and their complete lack of foresight .

Things can only seem to get worse as time goes on but we can always export more coal and gas to cover our interest bill
It’s ironic that  we in Australia are heading to carbon neutral and making the sacrifices and we are suffering in the retail price of electricity , badly
But we just help  to pollute the world’s atmosphere overseas ever increasing coal and gas exports.
Do we use our carbon credits?
I think the government turns a blind eye to that whole situation as it’s busy counting the dollars on Canberras abacus


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