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- IGAIt certainly is Parks ,but unfortunately most IGA stores are small in size compared to their competitors, making it hard for them to financially compete. Obviously the way to fix this is to have a bigger store with more veriety. It makes me think that the site of the old Wonthaggi Technical school site would… Read more: IGA
- ALDIHello everyone,To meIt looks like Aldi Wonthaggi have run into a bit of a problem with their new mass self-serve checkout introduction, HmmMaybe every shopper from now on should purchase a bottle of alcahol and somply line up. They at Aldi wouldn’t be able to cope with the massive wait lines this would cause and… Read more: ALDI
- HmmHmmOne would have to think that both of the major parties are actually quite racist ,Given the massive rorts in the use of the massive funding thats annually allocated to the welfare of our own Australian Aboriginal people. The amount of monies that is in question that is misappropriated on its way through the current… Read more: Hmm
- FishinHi everyone ,Ben and I managed to crawl out of bed early this morning to take Tiger Ben out for a fish to our favourite place offshore .The first clip is just us tied up at the jetty.The second one is the hole shot with the boat going under the bridge this time to a… Read more: Fishin
- No I’m not GlennGlenn Sullivan No im not GlennA revolution is to take control if the whole country in a coo ,historically these are bloody affairs,But not in this case it’s certainly not thst way as instead of a military attack on parliament we all attack in numbers the system with our fingers and you and every other… Read more: No I’m not Glenn
- (no title)The way its going soon China will control a large percentage and a diverse array of our farmland right across the country.They are buying farms and houses , and commercial buildings everywhere.They even brought control of most of our main ports and harbours, so its not just farming that’s completely under threat . Soon at… Read more: (no title)
- Sorry matePolitics This is a short comment that I have made to a comment on an independent candidate’s post by a supporter that says independent candidates are going to make a difference to our lives. I believe we are doomed with the crap outdated, old political system we run with in Australia and the system our… Read more: Sorry mate
- Replacment notePolitics This is a short comment that I have made to a comment on an independent candidate’s post by a supporter that says independent candidates are going to make a difference. I believe we are doomed with the crap outdated, old political system we run with in Australia and our candidates all run for election… Read more: Replacment note
- Russ Parker Russ Parker That is correct Russ and it raises the question how an offshore company like Aldi can set up a profitable supermarket chain of stores throughout Australia and with the associated costs actually manage to be marginally cheeper than Coles and Woolworths on most of their items basically without running specials . What does… Read more: Russ Parker
- I believe with the crap outdatedI believe with the crap outdated, old political system in Australia our candidates all run in , in this democratic system the independents are only ever effective in the case of a hung parliament. Otherwise they have absolutely no say whatsoever in government decisions. So the problem we all have is we are now governed… Read more: I believe with the crap outdated
- TexHello everyone, todays story is almost as a realistic step back in time as possible into the cowboys and Indians era , i hope you enjoy my explanation of the experience I had as much as I enjoyed the invitation to visit . The story starts like this , sometime back and im guessing ten… Read more: Tex
- Alcohol can be dangerousAlcohol can be dangerous. Hello everyone , this is a story about the old Wonthaggi Apex club ,old Curls is a life member of it,unfortunately a few years back due to lack of interest and members the club was struggling and it eventually folded. The Apex club did a large number of things over the… Read more: Alcohol can be dangerous
- Miners passBecca McIntosh It sort of means alot to me Becca in many different ways ways ,Firstly when my grandpop died i was allowed to look through his bedside draw and I found his mine pass inside it so i asked my Nona if i nay have it .She said yes si i took it home… Read more: Miners pass
- Australia’s debt Well with Australia’s debt level now at such a massive out of control amount , its lucky we are not in a depression , We can as a country only sell off our publicly owned assets once .To try and cover some of the massive interest bill we owe , on our deficit that is… Read more: Australia’s debt
- Wonthaggi mine whistleHello everyone yesterday at noon I attended the first blowing of the mine whistle in Apex park , after its absence for a while as it was being carefully restored. It was I believe one of only two whistles made and crafted in England and its the only one left in service and existence. The… Read more: Wonthaggi mine whistle