Merry Christmas’s everyone
I am a passionate man and when I get into my head an idea that I think is good I run with it and turn it over and over in my head to see if I can somehow improve it .
Today I’m gonna outline you my ideas regarding renewable energy and how Australia as a team can tackle the problem head on and how we don’t need in the near future the big wind turbines anymore or the massive solar farms any more taking up our farmland and our oceans views.
Also we will be actively preserving our native bushland for our animals that are already struggling with urban spread and future generations .
This story starts back when I was much younger and Jeff Kennett the leader of the Liberal party in Victoria Started a mass privatisation scheme he sold the trains off and my pet hate, he privatised the SEC.
I knew this was a complete disaster for our future.
I knew that our power bills will go through the roof in the future, which I have as the only thing that I thought back at the time. It was just like the Vic Roads when they sold that lately. They only sell off the parts that make money.
They only sold the Vic Roads the license and registration branch and the rest , with all the maintenance and everything like that is left in our public hands as they cost big money to run , but eventually the even sell the leftovers because they work out how to make money out of it.
That’s what happened with the SEC. Apparently I was still a tiny bit happy back then that we didn’t actually sell the infrastructure.
We still owned all of the power poles
and all of the power lines and all of the infrastructure that bolts on everything external.
All we sold was the power generation companies. The first one was I think Loyang which got sold to a French consortium for massive amount of money.
Jeff can now spend that money on the bills. He’s like any government that when they can’t pay the bills. They used to sell our asses to finance their agenda.
After Victoria all other states followed suit and all but the state of Queensland
Sold all their electrical generation assets.
I think Jeff Kennett made at the time and he was publicly applauded with making with the French company that won the tender a deal and clause in the sale contract that they will not be able to raise power prices for a period of two years and after that it was open slather . Bad luck for you.
So the whole country except Qld no longer Even Australian owned our own power supply,
it was just a ploy for the government to commit to renewable energies for the future and give away billions and billions of dollars in contracts of your money, and to pocket the cash backs offered.
Foreign companies then started to build wind farms all around the country and soon they were wanting to put some up in my backyard and block the view from Kilcunda.
The local people were unhappy about it and protested but it made no difference so ,
Those turbines were built and are still there operating today.
Except when there is no wind or it exceeds approximately 55 kmph depending on turbine design.
They do have such a massive cost to us both financially and environmentally with each turbine built.
When taking into account all factors in building and installing these monstrosities, they are not really environmentally friendly at all. Instead we are charged a fortune to install and maintain them and we don’t even actually own any of them.
I was very angry with the government about this issue and now I watched them having to subsidise all of us financially every winter and give us money to pay our bills because we can’t afford to pay them any more , people are battling to survive and that’s how much they’ve gone up over the years.
So I’m not really supporter of the current plan. They actually plan on now putting 200 turbines out offshore in Bass Street so maybe I can hit them with my Boat.
I can go on forever with this story but I’ll try and keep his brief as I can with as well as explain to you all of the reasoning why I’ve come to the conclusion I have.
Okay, so when it comes to clean renewable energy our government has called their program
Nett Zero .
This is a very ambitious target and most probably unreachable given the state of affairs renewable energy right now in Australia but it’s not impossible to achieve zero outcome with other forms of power generation that are environmentally friendly and ultra low emissions.
The government doesn’t want to talk about that stuff because it gets money handover fist from these companies in his back door , Just like Covid and everything else.
They don’t care about you.
They don’t care about me all they care about is dollars.
So one day months ago I was on I think it’s called X media platform and I was chatting to somebody about power and this bloke comes on there and stated to me Curly up here in Queensland,
We don’t have that problem. We have the cheapest power in the country because we own our infrastructure we haven’t sold it, his name was Wayne Swan, apparently he was the ex treasurer for the federal government so supposedly a smart cookie
I wrote back to him on that issue and said to him the only reason the Queensland have cheaper power is there still using fossil fuels to generate it. They haven’t gone to renewables yet.
Like every other politician I have ever spoken to when it gets to the hard questions and issues they run away he didn’t answer me again.
I tried to talk to him a few times but absolutely no response, Leaving me thinking what sort of leaders do we have in this country?
So here’s the guts of the story with all the stuff going on and everybody unhappy in the community especially with their power bills.
I happen to be driving along the road one day and I want you to open up your mind and imagination as you read this , and see if you can imagine the vision that I had while I was driving along , and I thought there’s gotta be an answer to this problem.
It was a simple and easy easy answer and it was staring at me in the face. I could see the power poles and the lines on the side of the road there and they are everywhere in the country.
I saw in my mind Little vertical wind rotary turbines Attached on brackets on top of every single power pole along with small smart solar panels all wired up in conjunction and wired in a plug in harness directly to a charge unit , that is also directly put straight into our powerlines.
I also saw on each pole that it had room a stand alone compact battery that is also connected directly to the powerline.
Also I saw a double wire run on each line and they can handle it and that gives us twice as much storage. We don’t need big expensive batteries on our land landscapes any more as our smart power is now stored in the line and pole batteries.
So I figured that every time a maintenance crew went up to do maintenance on the lines they fit all of these panels and it’s all now plugged and play in my mind. We make everything ourselves and the turbines we open new factories to make them.
We employ our kids in the factories because we make millions of the turbine units ,
We make them with a little bit different sizes, but you put wind and solar in conjunction and it’s depending on the area and local weather conditions.
Some places they don’t have much sun and they have all wind turbines on their poles , these turbines we have made in Australia out of stainless steel or the like , they will be brushless and reliable with an extended long life and they will just plug and play like I said into a harness so they can be individually changed in under one minute , just unplug and release the quick release.
The solar panels will be also manufactured. Here in Australia

developed as the first smart solar panels that is light se and will allow us to charge our selves under moonlight boosting our electricity generating capacity.
The turbines do not wear for a special reason and that they last for a very very long time because we don’t have ordinary steel roller bearings in them.
We have ceramic skateboard bearings which are ultra high speed and totally maintenance free .
And they do not wear and also they do not have any major friction so these things will be me so unlike the wind turbines we see today as when it gets a bit windy they turn themselves off in a storm and they don’t generate any power.
The power sometimes then goes out , leaving us all in the dark but these vertical ones that I’m talking about will spin continually, even in a hurricane and they will generate even more power in those conditions.
Their speed not a problem the wind is more powerful and generates plenty of power but it won’t ever turn off and if by chance something goes wrong with a turbine the smart charger regulator unit will notify the office of the fault and the turbine position on the pole that the fault is at , and if there’s a blackout by any chance because some days we don’t actually have a lot of wind and we don’t have a lot of sun but generally around Australia in conditions like that somewhere but on days like that the battery and power blackout the batterys on the poles kick in and there’s no voltage drop not like those offshore things they’re putting I that need a cord the size of me just to put the power into the shore that actually loose massive amounts of power by transfering their power from vast distances So much power is so wasted It’s called transmission loss.
There’s no loss at all with my system because it directly fired. Straight from the line from the charge source on the spot.
No one can vandalise the system is up so high. No one’s gonna throw a stone and hit the arm hit the solar panels so it’s very good and we get to keep our beautiful Australian landscape.
We get to keep our bushland no more bulldozers smashing down our forests to build these monstrosity renewable power plants ,
that we don’t even own.
We get to keep all of that and we get nearly free power.
You people with solar power on your home will receive a reasonable retail price for you excess power that you generate and put back into our grid .
We get to all own a part in our own power generation network Australia wide , we get to to tell these people when we are organised that you power and foreign companies can now piss off take your old defunct wind turbines and you must clean up your mess .
We don’t need them any more and we’re smart so we run this system in conjunction with coal fire power as well.
We will have a efficient design ultra low emissions coal fired generators with things like I thought a catalytic converter that’s on your car exhaust attached to them ,it’s so clean so if you wanted to just breathe in the air that comes out of it at the exhaust it will be more pure than there blowing in the wind around it.
If that makes any sense
we can also have gas LPG fired turbines right along the shoreline adjacent to the gas fields running ultra low emissions as well to top us up some power and we can all together own all the stuff once we get the money together to finance and build it all and I dream that we have a big fundraiser.
We can actually build all the stuff on the proceeds of it.
We don’t need the government to tell us what we can do.
We can take everything into our own hands with this plan and have our own green power source this nuclear talk stuff is ridiculous.
My country and your country is nuclear free still right now who the hell does Peter doesn’t think he is to turn around and say he’s gonna put a new reactor’s in nuclear free country and , elbow being a dick ordered four nuclear

subs for a cost of $8700 per person for them that is what he’s going to do.
He can’t even park them here at home under our current laws .
How’s that for smart?
But you know what they also sneakily did?
Part privatised the ports and harbours around the country without telling us.
They privatise everything so we don’t own them , so the water comes up in Melbourne right up to the shoreline at Southbank is not ours anymore but its Chinas now I guess so that they can probably pull in a nuke ship and dock and in Melbourne it’s now their water .
I’m sick of them idiots and theives in power here and we can do something about it and we can then export all of that stuff we now make all over the world , that’s us building new factorys all over Australia and we are making these turbines brushless no brushes latest technology no bearings just a ceramic bearing and they can run as a fastest spin cycle and they generate more power,
we get more power to the people, but you know I had a bit of a problem because I always thought and believed it and I knew that after the Kennett privatisation we still owned our infrastructure in Victoria we actually own the poles and the lines and I need this for the development of my idea , and on the internet a few weeks ago someone put something up about how the newly formed SEC for the power in Victoria how good it was for our state and in answering that , and I said well at least we own the lines and the infrastructure and then this person wrote back to me and said no we don’t. They’re privately owned. and I looked at this person‘s name and it was the state minister for energy in Victoria
Lilly Tamarrow.
You can probably see the transcripts if you look into I think it was the X platform , the conversation with her and that with Wayne Swan last week the same thing happened , I said Lilly what are you talking about? Can you tell me what company owns our power poles because we need to rent them back?
And do you know what she did the same as every politician? She didn’t answer me I have tried since messaging her twice asking her the question about who owns our power poles and lines in Victoria I’ve asked because I’d like to know but she refuses to answer that’s what our politicians do.
They Don’t tell us the truth.
They hide everything behind our backs and honestly our new system in Australia is a world

first , it’ll will take off all over the world.
Everywhere in the world will be the same eventually environmental friendly zero emissions We are on the way to a smart Nett Zero World
What’s wrong with it? We’ve been told by our elected representatives that we have to do this. We have to do that. This is what they’re doing. I don’t want them to dare sell one more of our public assets and to immediately stop all current negotiations of future sales in progress.
Your paying the interest and they are making higher bills and bullshit. just a big circle , well they got their finger in the Pie with power renewable energy. They got the finger in the Pie with power from overseas.
They don’t care what it costs you and I and they don’t care what it cost with the power.
I care what it costs you with the power at your power point , they don’t care what it cost you at your meter as long as they’re making money.
I care because I have your best interest at heart.
I don’t care what they say at election time as they are just lying bastards all the time , they are all the same they’re all on the same team.
They’re all shafting us the people and it’s about time that we take our power back , and we get the power.
And electrical power ,
We slowly now rebuild our country from the ground up.
It’s Something really special because I believe that together we can.
I hope you can see my vision. I can look at a power pole and see such a beautiful thing , can you see it?
I think that every suitable strong power pole should have them up on it but it doesn’t make the Australian government the money and they’ve already done the deals.
I Don’t give a shit.
They’re not interested in smart people. They’re not interested in smart ideas. All they’re interested in stealing money.
Oh stuff them.
I applied for a government grant under the renewables and solar energy program about 2 months ago. There was $21 million up for grabs and like anything to do with me and the government after I put my hand up an application. I didn’t even get a no I got no response typical.
It’s Christmas and I want to give you all the idea of a bright future so this is my Christmas present to you whether you believe it or not I don’t want to pay anymore power bills like I’ve got now.
do you ?
I hope that you see fit and vote for the
I dream of seeing my country Australia

return to its old status of being the clever country . And we can once again be all proud to call Australia

home. .
Cheers xxx
Merry Christmas