Hello everyone , i got the dates wrong for the flathead comp as its this weekend.
So i guess with everything going right with the
Dylby Roo project it may be ready by the next annual flathead fishing comp , and then be cruising fast around lake Tyres .
Also sporting some trick new fishing equipment.
I sort of have a finished version in my head that looks pretty cool

But there is still lots if sanding and eating dust to go ,
once i finish in the well its basically a rub down of the whole lot then to prime ,
once its in primer i will be able to see the goal posts ,
i guess now i have picked up the necessary materials , its also time to get stuck back into the Black Marlin project.
Its now Time to make its new fins and glass them up and then into their position ,
finish its filler and then put on a final coating of woven cloth matt and resin to protect and seal off the filler .
Then painting and airbrush to finish .
Cheers xxx