This is a short comment that I have made to a comment on an independent candidate’s post by a supporter that says independent candidates are going to make a difference.
I believe we are doomed with the crap outdated, old political system we run with in Australia and our candidates all run for election in ,
in this so called democratic system the independents that run for office , if elected after unfair preferance voting is counted , are only ever effective in the case of a hung parliament, where they then as elected independents join the Labour or Liberal parties to give them the numbers to form a majority and form government ,
Then they actually have some power but this situation doesn’t happen very often ss its restrictive to the parliament .
Otherwise the outgoing sitting government then calls for a double dissalusion election and we go back to the polls all over again in serch of a majority
Otherwise as the newly elected independent mp’s , sotting in parliament they have absolutely no say whatsoever in any government decisions.
So the problem we all have is we are now governed mostly by two major parties, in an outdated so called democratic system .
None of them have any real tangible answers or policies to turn things around and to at least try and fix our country ,
instead they just continue now to promise the public in election mode to spend more money on promises that we just dont have and if they are elected they will all just continue to sell off all of the publicly owned assets of the people, to try and pay the intrest bill , without our full knowledge and consent and they just continuously then also borrow more money to fund their promises.
Also they have no choice but in s budget in the negative to cut existing services across the country to the public , to try and partially fund theur promises they have made to get elected and try and stay somewhere within thrir forecast budget .
This never happens
Whilst all the time the government is constantly increasing borrowings and our national debt.
Our deficit now is so massive and and its also a debt like that to me , in a country like ours yjsts so rich in exportable commodities totally unacceptable, and disgraceful .
I dont think that I will be voting for any of that nonsense we have been putting up with for so long now,
Instead , ill be voting for the revolution
Cheers xxx