Small Wind turbines

Robert McIntosh The panels on your house roof systems Robert,  aren’t usually big enough to run your household on many instillations  that are currently in use  , for the average sized Australian household.

It’s not a bad idea   to power the streetlights with the excess, but it sort of does  already but unfortunately it’s also run as a scam because with the few houses that actually produce excess power and have no battery storage to keep it themselves, they actually do sell it to the electrical retailer , at a much reduced rate per kw , they the retailer , then on sell the power to other consumers including streetlights , at a much more inflated price and then  they even have the ordasity to retail your solar power to other consumers as green energy , at an even higher cost to you , that they have nothing at all in producing.
You the consumer feel that by paying the retailer the extra cost to provide you with green power that you are helping the environment, you sort of are but you are paying the retailer  extra for power that your neighbour actually produced .

As for the wind farms , I have been wondering why , Australia has to adopt the same mistakes as countries overseas and use this old defunct method , that ruins our beautiful landscape and it’s not technically the way we should proceed into the future
But small turbines on top of every power pole would sufficiently do the job , designed and manufactured here  in  Australia .

They have the advantage of just blending into the existing infrastructure and the added benefit of direct  connection to the power lines so efficiently , they have no voltage drop or power loss over transmission distance therefore requiring much less copper in the  cable connections compared to wind towers ,
I feel that that’s a much less carbon footprint and more attractive, and a more viable part of the overall power supply solution for Australia ,
Cheers  mate have a great day