Hello everyone,
this story is today that i have come back to the site of the public rally held last Sunday , at Inverloch to take another look at the problem of sand erosion with less people around so i could visually assess the site and to think about just how to best fix it for all stakeholders involved .
I did say last week to dig a deep trench and to bury and start off old wind turbine blades packed full with wet sand and plugged with concrete in the bottom with the blades, deep down in the sand and start off a brsnd new blade breakwall that way .
This will reduce greatly the chance of the ocean wave action undermining the new break wall ,
So today when i looked at the less crowded area , the first thought i have on my mind is you attack the problem with a multilayer wall like one wall built vertically and one built against it horizontally there is the option of a three layer build also as a vertical sandwich,
Fundamentally it should still be a very cheap and economical option as we are going to be recycling turbines old blades .
And the job would require an excavator and a crane and maybe s dump truck , its hard to estimate the build time as it depends on natures factor’s like tides and daylight hours but hopefully it wont take long with forward planning to pick the best window possible and with fastening plans already in place, we would see.
This is a big win for Australia’s environment, and a win for the Inverloch Surf Lifesaving Club as it may just not be here any longer after the coming guaranteed Easter King tides and the exposed existing sandbags are quite vulnerable to vandalism , but they can be incorporated into the. Build plan as they are basically free as they are already available on site but the turbine blades are not , they must be trucked in , when this project is proven successful , there wont ever be another turbine blade buried in
Australia ever again and the beautiful part is that those companies operating the turbines will actually have to pay us to toke their waste blades just a bit a bit less than the top would charge to bury them in landfills , thus making it more economical to do the job
Everyone wins
Cheers xxx