Hello everyone,
as we know that there are new owners at the best pub in the world ,
the Killy pub ,
Brett and Paula , and under their management it is undergoing a major facelift, during this busy summer trade period ,
Its certainly is coming up a treat with everyone happy about it, with one noted exception ,
the resident ghost,
I worked there for about sixteen years and i was well aware of the legend of the ghost which manifests and presents as an older lady , that is mostly present in the kitchen and hallway end of the hotel,
I never actually saw her with my eyes but she mostly slams doors and shifts things around when there is no wind or breeze present.
I believe that certainly some people have actually seen her at times over the years .
So i was at my friend Lee’s place this week , when she excitedly told me that the ghost of the pub was super active at the pub at the moment. She told me all sorts of things were happening.
So last night being the last Friday of the month was locals night , where the Kilcunda fire brigade have raffles , we got there around six and the place ended up pretty packed out ,
I ventured out the back to see Brett gardening and planting heaps of established plants in the outdoor area,
He gave me the heads up that there was a well known new head chef , started do we will run a story in that in a few weeks time ,
So i found Hoss in his usual spot snd i brought a few raffle ticket’s off him and just chatted to friends,
It was good to see lots of old friends there young and older , including the Taylor’s from Melbourne, that i met there nearly twenty years ago, to all the young local kids there playing pool,
So heres the ghost story,
I went into the toilet to take a pee and standing next to me was Hoss ,
I took the middle position as there is a mural on the wall and now I was under the bikini clad woman , Hoss was standing on my right behind the man in shorts, i made a comment that i was in the best spot , Hoss said to me that he is not too sure about that as he was in the toilet yesterday and just getting organised to take a pee when an inspection panel from above where i was standing just flew fast off the wall and crashed noisily on to the ground.
He mentioned the ghost as he knows a lot more about it than me,
Maybe she doesn’t like all the changes to the hotel , but we will have to wait and see down the track.
So the beers were nice and cold and the Guinness on tap is awesome,
So at the draw of the raffle , Lee actually for the first time won a prize .
The crowd seems to dissipate a little after the draws , but then there was musical entertainment with an acoustic guitarist, he was pretty good except he played too much of the wiggles for my liking .
So I ended up at Mats for a nightcap before heading home.
So for any of you ghostbusters the Killy Pub is a must stop , so see you there Vouls , come visit our resident ghost , and have a beer and a great meal . Chat to Hoss or any other of the locals as we are all friendly
Cheers xxx