we here in Australia are so rich in this coal recorce and others that we sort of owe it to the rest of the world to share it via exports.
I just dont agree with the system we use to control the market and the process ,
As i strongly believe that its a resorse and just like gas and oil that it all actually belongs to all of the Australian people.
The entire export resources sector and the system we use needs a complete overhaul , and a new management direction put in place and one that works our energy resources to the benefit of all Australians ,
No individual should have exclusive claim to our natural resources.
So possibly with a totall system revamp in place and then all Australians are now at least going to be sold our energy products for at the least the same price that we are exporting them and selling them overseas for .
Thats just the start , of the benefits of change , it snowballs and automatically when a new system is implemented it will drastically bring down all energy costs and also lower inflation and also then also open up a competitive transport system on our cheeper refined fuel to get our country moving.
Also it will add a much needed cash boost to our struggling economy.
Its time that we Australians need to take control of running our country for us
Not for whoever made the biggest political donation ,
Our system is flawed and open slather for corruption at the highest level.
Vote 1 for the Australian revolution
Cheers xxx